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6 Critical Areas of Cloud-Native Security That Are Influential in 2022

Cloud computing has emerged as the go-to organizational workload choice because of its innate scalability and flexibility. However, cloud computing still comes with some security risks. Examining cloud security is an important part of adopting this new technology. Presently, cloud-native security is experiencing changes and innovations that help address security threat vectors.

Five worthy reads: The emerging threat of weaponized artificial intelligence

Illustration by Dorathe Victor Five worthy reads is a regular column on five noteworthy items we discovered while researching trending and timeless topics. In this week’s edition, let’s explore how artificial intelligence and machine learning are weaponized by hackers to fuel cyberattacks. AI and ML are conquering the world at a rapid pace. AI has made life much easier. In many instances, it speeds up manual processes, reduces costs, and eliminates manual errors.

Debunking the Top 3 Cloud-Native Security Myths

By 2023, over 500 million digital apps and services will be developed and deployed using cloud native approaches. To put that in perspective, more applications will be developed on the cloud in a four-year period (2019-2023) than the total number of apps produced in the past 40 years. Clearly, organizations are buying into the cloud. But the question is: Do they fully understand it? And do they know how to secure the applications they built within it?

Understanding and Defining Practical Security Operations Metrics

In the business of security, linking performance metrics to strategy has become an accepted best practice. If strategy is the blueprint for building a security operations center (SOC), metrics are the raw materials. But there is a catch: a security organization can easily lose sight of its strategy and instead focus strictly on the metrics that are meant to represent it.

7 vital security tips for enterprise cloud security administrators

Every organization has tons of sensitive information stored in the cloud. The unanticipated surge in remote work resulted in an increase in the amount of information stored in the cloud. According to TechJury, 67% of enterprise infrastructure is cloud-based. However, with organizations allowing employees to use both business and personal devices at work, the attack surface has expanded, increasing opportunities for threat actors to target vulnerable devices.

Improving coverage of cloud resources to reduce infrastructure drift

As developers, we need maximum visibility of what’s actually running in our cloud environments, in order to keep them secure. Infrastructure as code (IaC) helps developers automate their cloud infrastructures, so what’s deployed to the cloud is under control and can easily be audited. But achieving and maintaining 100% IaC coverage of your infrastructure has many challenges.

Charts - Pie

Netskope Advanced Analytics: Learn how to build and customize pie charts. Netskope, the SASE leader, safely and quickly connects users directly to the internet, any application, and their infrastructure from any device, on or off the network. With CASB, SWG, and ZTNA built natively in a single platform, Netskope is fast everywhere, data-centric, and cloud smart, all while enabling good digital citizenship and providing a lower total-cost-of-ownership.

CrowdStrike Named a Strong Performer in 2022 Forrester Wave for Cloud Workload Security

“In its current CWS offering, the vendor has great CSPM capabilities for Azure, including detecting overprivileged admins and enforcing storage least privilege and encryption, virtual machine, and network policy controls.” – The Forrester Wave™: Cloud Workload Security, Q1 2022 CrowdStrike is excited to announce we have been named a “Strong Performer” in The Forrester Wave:™ Cloud Workload Security, Q1 2022.