Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance


Ransomware Attacks: How to Mitigate Risk and Protect Your Data

Ransomware is not a new threat, but the tactics that attackers are using to access corporate infrastructures and steal resources has evolved. With the continuation of remote work and data being stored on the cloud, attackers only need to compromise one user, app or device to gain access. Learn more about how these attacks happen.

Office Documents and Cloud Apps: Perfect for Malware Delivery

Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and other Office document formats are popular among attackers, who abuse them to infect their victims with ransomware, infostealers, backdoors, and other malware. In this article, we look at the anatomy of a recent Office document attack from the victim’s perspective, highlight the most common types of Office document attacks seen today, and suggest strategies to reduce your risk of becoming the latest victim.

EDoS: The Next Big Threat to Your Cloud

Economic Denial of Sustainability (EDoS) is a cybersecurity threat targeting cloud environments. EDoS attacks exploit the elasticity of clouds, particularly auto-scaling capabilities, to inflate the billing of a cloud user until the account reaches bankruptcy or large-scale service withdrawal. EDoS attacks exploit the cloud’s economies of scale to disrupt or discontinue the availability of cloud services and infrastructure that support applications, systems, and corporate networks.

WTF is Open Source

Are you looking to join an existing open source project, but don’t know where to start? Interested in finding out more about open source software in general? Looking to start a personal project but don’t know what to base it on? If the answer is yes, this event could be for you. We will be hosting a panel discussion with amazing leaders within the OS space. They will share everything from how they got involved, what they are working on at the moment as well as share any tips and tricks they learnt along the way.

Protestware is trending in open source: 4 different types and their impact

A few days ago, Snyk reported on a new type of threat vector in the open source community: protestware. The advisory was about a transitive vulnerability — peacenotwar — in node-ipc that impacted the supply chain of a great deal of developers. Snyk uses various intel threat feeds and algorithms to monitor chatter on potential threats to open source, and we believe this may just be the tip of a protestware iceberg.

Digital Experience Reimagined for the Cloud & Security Service Edge (SSE)

The transition to the cloud has changed everything! It has upended where apps are hosted, as well as the movement of enterprises’ most valuable digital assets and sensitive data. Access has been redefined and firewall-based perimeters are a thing of the past. Now special considerations are required for users working from everywhere—on both managed and unmanaged devices—as well as address the ever-growing Internet of Things (IoT).