Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance


Security Service Edge (SSE) Is the Way To Go, but How Do You Choose?

Gartner® recently predicted that “By 2025, 80% of enterprises will have adopted a strategy to unify web, cloud services and private application access from a single vendor’s security service edge (SSE) platform."* If you don't know what SSE is, you should read my colleague Sundaram Lakshaman’s breakdown of SSE and Secure Access Service Edge (SASE). The gist of it is that SSE is the convergence of security technologies inside the SASE framework.

2021 Prediction: Mobile will enable ransomware

As many of us continue to stay at home, we are using our phones, tablets and Chromebooks more – both for personal and work purposes. With their small screens and multitude of messaging channels, they are a perfect vector for phishing messages aimed at stealing credentials for corporate access. Hear from Kristna Balaam, Senior Security Intelligence Researcher about what we got right, and what surprised us. See our 2022 predictions on our newest blog:

Securing AWS API access with Netskope Inline Cloud Protection

Watch this demo, presented by Yuri Duchovny, Netskope Principal Global Solutions Architect. Netskope Intelligent Security Service Edge (SSE) is fast, easy to use, and secures your transactions wherever your people and data go. Be ready for anything on your SASE journey with Netskope’s SSE solution. SSE is the convergence of security capabilities into a single cloud-centric platform.

What is Malware & How to Protect Ourselves From Computer Viruses

Do you remember when viruses used to be funny and not such a big deal? Maybe a cat would constantly pop up on your desktop or you’d get spammed with hundreds of ads for male enhancement pills? Well, the early 2000s are over (yes, it’s depressing) and malware has advanced far beyond its somewhat quirky origins. Today, viruses have become extremely sophisticated and it’s difficult to know for sure if your files have been infected or not. So what is malware exactly?

New Supply Chain Vulnerabilities Impact Medical and IoT Devices

Forescout’s Vedere Labs, in partnership with CyberMDX, have discovered a set of seven new vulnerabilities affecting PTC’s Axeda agent, which we are collectively calling Access:7. Three of the vulnerabilities were rated critical by CISA, as they could enable hackers to remotely execute malicious code and take full control of devices, access sensitive data or alter configurations in impacted devices.

15 Minute Friday: How a Leading University Hospital Health System Secures Patient Data with Lookout

Hear a use case of how a leading university hospital secures patient data through its journey to the cloud. In addition to cloud protection, needs quickly were realized for cloud DLP and EDRM to fully secure and keep sensitive data safe and HIPAA compliant in the cloud. In this 15 minute session, we will dive into the problem faced and how it was solved. No sales pitches, no demos, just solutions.

Cybersecurity at the Tactical Level: The Importance of StateRAMP

Here in the United States, we often focus on the cybersecurity readiness of the federal government. The reality is that state and local government departments are just as, if not more vulnerable to cyber attacks. Nearly one quarter of their employees use personal devices for work, where security teams have little visibility, enabling threat actors to execute phishing and other malicious activities. These risks will only continue to grow as in-person services continue remotely.

View All Your Clouds in a Single Pane of Glass

If your enterprise is like most of Forward Networks’ customers, then your IT shop oversees a sizable cloud estate. You probably have hundreds of accounts, projects, or subscriptions across different cloud vendors. There are tons of related objects too — virtual machines, firewalls, transit gateways, subnets, and more. And cloud-native apps? Maybe you hundreds of those in use or development as well.