Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance


Firewalls for AI: The Essential Guide

As the adoption of AI models, particularly large language models (LLMs), continues to accelerate, enterprises are growing increasingly concerned about implementing proper security measures to protect these systems. Integrating LLMs into internet-connected applications exposes new attack surfaces that malicious actors could potentially exploit.

Data Access Governance: The Blueprint of Cloud Data Access Management

In an era where data breaches are as common as they are damaging, securing sensitive information has become paramount for businesses across the globe. Data Access Governance stands at the forefront of this battle, ensuring that the right people have the right access to the right data at the right time. It's a holistic approach that not only fortifies data against unauthorized access but also enables organizations to harness its full potential responsibly and efficiently.

Trustwave Embarks on an Extended Partnership with Microsoft Copilot for Security

Trustwave today announced it will offer clients expert guidance on implementing and fully leveraging the just-released Microsoft Copilot for Security, a generative AI-powered security solution that helps increase the efficiency and capabilities of defenders to improve security outcomes.

Outsmarting Cyber Threats: Etay Maor Unveils the Hacker's Playbook in the Cloud Era

In an era where cyber threats evolve as rapidly as the technology they target, understanding the mindset of those behind the attacks is crucial. This was the central theme of a speech given by Etay Maor, Senior Director of Security Strategy, of Cato Networks at the MSP EXPO 2024 Conference & Exposition in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. Titled, “SASE vs.

Understanding the Hesitance of MSPs Towards Google Workspace

I recently saw a post on LinkedIn from a managed service provider (MSP) who had turned down an opportunity because the prospect used Google Workspace. While I understood their reasoning for doing this, it did get me thinking: Why are MSPs so hesitant to work with Google? I created a casual poll on LinkedIn and the results revealed a significant trend: a majority of MSPs seem to be bypassing Google Workspace as a viable service offering.

Passkey Support Across KeeperFill, iOS and Android

Keeper is excited to announce that it now supports passkeys for mobile platforms on iOS and Android. This update extends passkey management functionality in the Keeper Vault beyond our earlier launch of Keeper browser extension support for Chrome, Firefox, Edge, Brave and Safari. A passkey is a cryptographic key that lets users log in to accounts without having to enter a password. Passkeys have seen rapid adoption since their introduction in 2022 and Keeper is proud to enable their use across devices, bringing users a more secure and streamlined authentication experience.

Top open source licenses and legal risk for developers

If you’re a software developer, you’re probably using open source components and libraries to build software. You know those components are governed by different open source licenses, but do you know all the license details? In particular, do you know the sometimes-convoluted licensing conditions that could pose compliance challenges for your organization?

Keeper 102 - How to Set Biometric Login in Keeper on iOS

Biometric login, especially when paired with Keeper, is a time saving, convenient feature that allows you to login to Keeper with biometrics such as “Face ID”. To enable biometric login, navigate to the Settings screen in the Keeper app and toggle “Biometric Login”, “on”. Next time you want to log in to Keeper, simply tap the Face ID icon to initiate face recognition. Please note, Face ID must be configured in your device's settings before using it to login to Keeper.