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What Biometric Identification Solution is Suitable for National-Scale Projects?

Biometrics identification? It's everywhere right now, even in your pocket or handbag. You use it to unlock your mobile devices, make online purchases, and access secure facilities. Biometrics identification has stretched its benefits and use cases to national-scale projects. Government institutions currently use an automated biometric identification system, abbreviated as ABIS. This system is used for national-scale or large-scale biometric identification. So, what is an automated biometric identification system? What are its use cases in national-scale projects? Read on to learn more.

How Cato Uses Large Language Models to Improve Data Loss Prevention

Cato Networks has recently released a new data loss prevention (DLP) capability, enabling customers to detect and block documents being transferred over the network, based on sensitive categories, such as tax forms, financial transactions, patent filings, medical records, job applications, and more. Many modern DLP solutions rely heavily on pattern-based matching to detect sensitive information. However, they don’t enable full control over sensitive data loss.

Monitor your Kubernetes security posture with Datadog Cloud Security Management

In recent years, the popularity of Kubernetes deployments has surged—as has the prevalence of security risks associated with the technology. Red Hat’s State of Kubernetes Security for 2023 reveals that 67 percent of organizations have encountered delays in application deployments due to Kubernetes-related security issues. Additionally, 37 percent have experienced significant revenue or customer losses stemming from Kubernetes security incidents.

Forward Networks Receives Gold Award for Cloud Computing Security Solution at the 2024 Globee Awards for Cybersecurity as well as the GOVIE Award for Compliance Acceleration at the 2024 Government Security Awards by Security Today

Forward Networks won the prestigious Gold designation for Cloud Computing Security at the 2024 Globee Awards for Cybersecurity. This recognizes Forward Networks' commitment to transforming how SecOps, CloudOps, and NetOps teams operate by creating a single source of truth for engineers with actionable insights that empower them to regain control over their networks.

Firewalls for AI: The Essential Guide

As the adoption of AI models, particularly large language models (LLMs), continues to accelerate, enterprises are growing increasingly concerned about implementing proper security measures to protect these systems. Integrating LLMs into internet-connected applications exposes new attack surfaces that malicious actors could potentially exploit.