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Security Considerations When Using the Public Cloud

As we reach the end of our five-part series on “Secure Cloud Adoption in the Enterprise”, we thought it would be useful to summarize the discussion and also leave with you a few important things to consider when you make the decision to use the public cloud. Clichéd as it may sound, Security and Privacy are probably two of your most important security concerns in cloud computing as an IT executive.

CrowdStrike, Intel and Dell: Clustering and Similarity Assessment for AI-driven Endpoint Security with Intel NPU Acceleration

CrowdStrike’s mission is to stop breaches. We continuously research and develop technologies to outpace new and sophisticated threats and stop adversaries from pursuing attacks. We also recognize that security is best when it’s a team sport. In today’s threat landscape, technology collaboration is essential to deploy novel methods of analysis and defense.

What is an efficient tool for criminal case management and biometric evidence analysis?

Criminal investigations need to be on point and effective. Thanks to the latest tech, law enforcement teams now have some fairly cutting-edge tools at their disposal for cracking cases and excavating biometric evidence. In this blog post, we're going to explore why these tools are absolutely crucial and the tremendous difference they make in police work.
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Cloud computing - The first step to an effective data modernisation strategy

Many organisations realise the benefits that lie within the data they collect daily. This modern approach to data empowers businesses to leverage data for innovation and monetization while at the same time enhancing security and privacy. While this may seem like a conundrum as companies have traditionally buried their data deep into IT architecture to prevent it from being accessible, even by the employees, today it is possible to have the best of both. This process starts with the cloud.

Secure your Windows workloads with Datadog Cloud Security Management

As Windows organizations migrate toward cloud-based environments, they often lose context of their full stack. In addition to securing their on-premises servers, they now need to deal with virtual servers, managed services, and platform-as-a-service offerings. Cloud-based resources require organizations to relinquish control over physical infrastructure and limit their access to underlying operating systems.

11:11 Systems wins 2024 Cloud Computing Product of the Year Award

Technically awards season has ended, at least when it comes to Hollywood. There. were some big wins for Oppenheimer, and who wasn’t feeling the Kenergy? 2024 is also shaping up as a big year for 11:11, as we’ve already brought home several awards. And now we have been awarded the 2024 Cloud Computing Product of the Year Award for 11:11 Cloud , presented by presented by Cloud Computing Magazine.

Netskope Regain Visibility to Secure Digital Experience

SaaS performance, digital experience, and hybrid working productivity rely on device, app, SSE and network performance. See how proactively digital experience management (DEM) rapidly diagnoses and remediates issues so you can regain visibility to regain control, optimize and master employee digital experience.