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Data Leaks

Massive Data Leak Targets New York Times: Implications and Cybersecurity Insights

In a startling cybersecurity development, an anonymous threat actor has posted what they claim to be 270GB of source code stolen from the New York Times on a popular imageboard website. This incident, reported on Friday, suggests the leak contains "basically all source code" from the publisher.

The Best Apps for Doctors to Protect Information from Data Leaks

Did you know that in 2023, over 133 million healthcare records were breached? Healthcare has remained the most popular target for hackers and cybercriminals to attack. Why? These industries contain a huge amount of sensitive information, including: With such a vast amount of data at stake, tools for doctors should focus on privacy and security and help keep healthcare information safe from data breaches.

Cyber Nightmares: 8 of the Biggest Data Leaks and Hacks of 2023

It’s that not-so-wonderful time of the year when we look at the most significant data leaks, breaches, and hacks in 2023. This year, data leaks remain a consistent threat to our data, with an average cost of $4.35 million. This article looks at some of the most significant cyberattacks that happened throughout the year, what caused them, how the business reacted, and valuable tips on protecting yourself from the cyber world’s biggest threat.

What your peers want to know before buying a DLP tool

Preventing data loss is a concern for almost every organization, regardless of size, especially organizations with sensitive data. Organizations, now more than ever before, rely on voluminous amounts of data to conduct business. When data leakage or a breach occurs, the organization is forced to deal with the negative consequences, such as the high cost associated with data breach fines and remediation and reputational harm to their company and brand.

How To Find Out If Your Information Is Leaked Online And What To Do About It

In today's digital age, it's becoming increasingly common for personal information to be leaked online. With the growing number of data breaches and hacking incidents, protecting your personal information is crucial. But how can you tell if your information has been compromised in a data breach? And what should you do if you find out that it has? This article will give tips on checking if your personal information has been exposed online and what actions they should take during a data breach.

HCA Healthcare Loses Data for Over 11 Million in Recent Breach

HCA Healthcare is one of the largest health systems in the United States today. The company has millions of patients and manages data for countless hospitals, private practices, specialty offices, and more. With such a substantial volume of healthcare data contained in one location, the information is vulnerable to attack. That's exactly what happened to HCA Healthcare. The company suffered a data attack that left it with substantial losses.

Compound Extortion: UnSafeLeaks

Among the range of data leak sites monitored by JUMPSEC, our attention has been drawn to a recent variant called “UnSafeLeaks”, due to its distinctively malicious and personalised approach, setting it apart from typical leak sites that focus primarily on explicit financial extortion. Perhaps more remarkably, a number of targeted organisations also appear to have previously been compromised by closely affiliated groups, suggesting the potential re-extortion of victim organisations.

Essen Health Care Gets Breached and Loses Patient and Employee Data

Essen Health Care is a massive healthcare network of facilities and providers throughout New York City, Staten Island, and Westchester County. With more than 300 providers at a range of facilities connected to Essen Health Care, the organization maintains and stores a huge amount of medical and personal data for patients, providers, faculty, and more. All this data is protected by security features, but it was exposed in a recent breach.