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A guide to the OWASP TOP 10 for large language model applications

Attackers are increasingly targeting vulnerabilities within large language models (LLMs) used to recognise and generate text. In response to the growing risk, the recently launched OWASP Top 10 for LLMs covers the key vulnerabilities within these types of AI applications. Read our guide to learn more about the most critical vulnerabilities and how to reduce AI security risks.

What is Personally Identifiable Information (PII)?

Personally Identifiable Information (PII) encompasses data that uniquely identifies an individual. Examples of PII include direct identifiers like full names, social security numbers, driver's license numbers, and indirect identifiers such as date of birth, email and IP addresses. The precise nature of PII can vary depending on the context and jurisdiction, but its defining characteristic is its ability to single out a specific person.

The Importance of Know Your Business (KYB) in the Fintech World

In the dynamic and rapidly evolving fintech industry, regulatory compliance and risk management are crucial for maintaining trust and ensuring sustainability. One critical component of this regulatory framework is the Know Your Business (KYB) process. KYB involves verifying the legitimacy and credentials of business clients and partners, ensuring they are who they claim to be, and assessing their potential risks. In the fintech world, KYB is essential for mitigating fraud, ensuring compliance with regulations, and fostering a trustworthy ecosystem.

Emerging IoT Wiper Malware: Kaden and New LOLFME Botnet Variants

Wipers are malware that delete data on a device or make it inaccessible. They can be used for sabotage, to destroy evidence of an attack or simply to make a device unusable. IoT wipers often rewrite important parts of the firmware of an IoT device, rendering that device useless, so they are also known as “brickers”. Recent notorious examples of IoT wipers are AcidRain which was used by a Russian APT to brick satellite modems in Europe at the outset of the Russian invasion of Ukraine in 2022.

What Is AWS AppFabric?

Cloud environments have revolutionized how organizations operate, providing scalable, efficient, and cost-effective resources. However, this shift to the cloud introduces new challenges, particularly in managing and securing many Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) applications that businesses rely on. AWS AppFabric exists to address these challenges by providing a solution for integrating, managing, and securing various applications.

What are the Current Trends in Cloud Technology?

In recent years, cloud technology has become integral to business operations. Compared to on-premises infrastructure, it allows for improved scalability and flexibility, cost savings, collaboration, security, and data loss prevention. The cloud computing market is set to reach $679 billion in value in 2024. But what are the trends currently defining the cloud computing market?

Streamline Compliance and Strengthen Data Protection Using Netskope's Integration with the ChatGPT Enterprise Compliance API

In the ever-evolving landscape of AI, maintaining compliance standards and ensuring secure usage of generative AI applications remains an important priority for enterprises. Across the globe, regulatory frameworks like the European Union’s AI Act have been established to ensure that AI systems are developed and deployed in a manner that prioritizes safety, transparency, ethics, and fundamental rights.