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Friday Flows Episode 32: Beyon Cyber: An MSSP Journey from Traditional SOAR to Tines

FRIDAY FLOWS #31 - Beyon Cyber: An MSSP Journey from Traditional SOAR to Tines For any MSSPs out there, this is a really interesting deployment we did with Beyon. Service Providers will look to use SOAR as backend automation for their services. However, traditional SOARs can create their own problems. Requiring dedicated Dev teams to deploy & write automation. Not allowing customisable integration ability outside the box and ultimately being very resource-intensive to maintain.

Friday Flows Episode 31: Analyze Elastic alerts, block IPs, and notify in Slack and Tines Cases

FRIDAY FLOWS #31 - Analyze Elastic alerts, block, IPs, and notify in Slack and Tines Cases Personally, my favourite partners to work with. Elastic and Tines go hand in hand technology wise. Whether you're using Elastic for SIEM, Cloud Security, Endpoint, or outside security like Observability, Tines acts as the automation glue for those tools. I hope you enjoy today's episode with Michael Tolan and as always, check out the Tines community edition in the comments to play around with this specific story and more.

"Will the Real Platform Please Stand-Up" at Black Hat 2024 - Presented by Maxime Lamothe-Brassard

LimaCharlie CEO, Maxime Lamothe-Brassard, presented "Will the Real Platform Please Stand-Up" at Black Hat 2024. Max dissected the characteristics that actually matter to security practitioners, exploring how a genuine platform should be structured, accessed, and what it must deliver.

The Number of Email-Based Cyber Attacks Detected Surge 239% in 1H 2024

New data shows the most prevalent and obvious path into an organization – email – continues to be exploited by a growing number of cybercriminals. Email is one of those technologies that doesn’t seem willing to be replaced by collaborative tools that connect individuals and organizations – in many cases – in far more productive ways. And because of this, cybercriminals continue to leverage email to gain access to users.

Remote Event Log Management: Enhancing Security and Efficiency

Windows devices are the most popular among organizations and these Windows-based operating systems and applications produce an extensive variety of logs, such as Windows Event logs and Windows Activity logs, making it challenging to effectively monitor these applications and systems. To make contextual sense of Windows Event logs and Windows Activity logs, organizations conduct Windows log management to derive insights from monitoring and analyzing these logs.

What is a Secure Web Gateway and why does my organization need one?

Back in 1999 Michael Capellas, former CEO of Compaq Computer, once said in a mission statement, “everything to the internet” as at that time every company large or small was trying to gain a presence online or start up an ecommerce site. Social media, smart phones, streaming services and the like were either in their infancy, or just an idea in someone’s brain! Fast forward nearly 25 years we now see this vision become realty. Everybody and everything are connected.

What Are Network Security Solutions?

Picture this, you are trying to protect a chest full of treasure and have no idea what lurks in the shadows, waiting to take it all away. Scary, isn’t it? Fear should be the same when it comes to running a network without proper security. How you’ll guard your treasure with everything you’ve got, network security solutions do the same. It protects your organization’s critical information from cyber threats.

How To Protect Yourself From Identity Theft

You can protect yourself from identity theft by safeguarding your Social Security number and other sensitive documents, regularly reviewing your credit reports, using a dark web monitoring tool and not oversharing online. Identity theft occurs when someone steals and uses your sensitive documents unbeknownst to you to gain money or access to your confidential information. Examples of sensitive documents include Social Security numbers, credit card numbers, bank account information and passport numbers.

Do You Have Multiple Compromised Passwords? Here's What To Do.

A password is compromised when it’s leaked in a data breach and made available on the dark web, allowing others to gain unauthorized access to your online accounts. This risk not only arises from a data breach; your passwords can also be compromised in a phishing attack or if you don’t store your passwords securely. Dealing with multiple compromised passwords can be scary and stressful, but luckily there are steps you can take to protect your online accounts.

Cloud Security And Privacy: Best Practices To Mitigate The Risks

Cloud security refers to technologies, best practices, and safety guidelines that help to protect your data from human errors, insider and security threats. Therefore, it naturally covers a wide range of procedures, which are aimed at securing systems from data breaches, data loss, unauthorized access, and other cybersecurity-related risks that are growing from year to year.