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Response Accuracy Retention Index (RARI) - Evaluating Impact of Data Masking on LLM Response

As language models (LLMs) in enterprise applications continue to grow, ensuring data privacy while maintaining response accuracy becomes crucial. One of the primary methods for protecting sensitive information is data masking. However, this process can lead to significant information loss, potentially rendering responses from LLMs less accurate. How can this loss be measured?

Top 10 Cyber Risk Assessment Tools

Estimating the potential impact of a successful cyber attack may seem impossible, especially given the rapid expansion of organizations’ digital footprint (and, consequently, their attack surface). One example are attacks which pertain to the contact points between businesses and clients, such as websites and mobile apps. In particular, these assets can be cloned and used for phishing attacks.

Do You Have Multiple Compromised Passwords? Here's What To Do.

A password is compromised when it’s leaked in a data breach and made available on the dark web, allowing others to gain unauthorized access to your online accounts. This risk not only arises from a data breach; your passwords can also be compromised in a phishing attack or if you don’t store your passwords securely. Dealing with multiple compromised passwords can be scary and stressful, but luckily there are steps you can take to protect your online accounts.

How To Protect Yourself From Identity Theft

You can protect yourself from identity theft by safeguarding your Social Security number and other sensitive documents, regularly reviewing your credit reports, using a dark web monitoring tool and not oversharing online. Identity theft occurs when someone steals and uses your sensitive documents unbeknownst to you to gain money or access to your confidential information. Examples of sensitive documents include Social Security numbers, credit card numbers, bank account information and passport numbers.

Advanced Android Malware Targets NFC Data for ATM Cashouts

A new strain of Android malware has emerged, targeting victims' card details and utilizing near-field communication (NFC) technology to facilitate unauthorized ATM withdrawals. This sophisticated crimeware, active since March 2024, has already impacted customers of three major Czech banks.

"Will the Real Platform Please Stand-Up" at Black Hat 2024 - Presented by Maxime Lamothe-Brassard

LimaCharlie CEO, Maxime Lamothe-Brassard, presented "Will the Real Platform Please Stand-Up" at Black Hat 2024. Max dissected the characteristics that actually matter to security practitioners, exploring how a genuine platform should be structured, accessed, and what it must deliver.

A Network Defense Layer That Actually Works

Enterprises invest heavily in cybersecurity measures to protect their critical assets and sensitive data. According to the Worldwide Security Spending Guide published by International Data Corporation (IDC), European security spending will grow by 12.3% in 2024, similar trajectory to the US and Asia Pacific. Despite these investments, crippling vulnerabilities continue to wreak havoc, and the costs of cyber attacks continue to soar.

Handling Internal Security Threats: A Balanced Approach

While external cyberattacks often make the headlines, internal security risks (aka insider risks) present a significant danger that is sometimes underestimated. These risks can arise from disgruntled employees, negligent insiders, or malicious actors with privileged access. The repercussions of such breaches can be severe, resulting in data loss, financial harm, legal fines, and harm to reputation.

Friday Flows Episode 32: Beyon Cyber: An MSSP Journey from Traditional SOAR to Tines

FRIDAY FLOWS #31 - Beyon Cyber: An MSSP Journey from Traditional SOAR to Tines For any MSSPs out there, this is a really interesting deployment we did with Beyon. Service Providers will look to use SOAR as backend automation for their services. However, traditional SOARs can create their own problems. Requiring dedicated Dev teams to deploy & write automation. Not allowing customisable integration ability outside the box and ultimately being very resource-intensive to maintain.