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The 443 Podcast - Episode 304 - Are TP-Link's Days Numbered?

This week on the podcast, we discuss the US government's push to investigate the risks that TP-Link network devices introduce to national security. Before that, we give an update on the NPD data breach from last week as well as the threat actor behind it. We also discuss an ongoing cyber incident at the Port of Seattle. The 443 Security Simplified is a weekly podcast that gets inside the minds of leading white-hat hackers and security researchers, covering the latest cybersecurity headlines and trends.

Getting Started With SPIFFE For Multi-Cloud Secure Workload Authentication

SPIFFE stands for Secure Production Identity Framework for Everyone, and aims to replace single-factor access credentials with a highly scalable identity solution. This blog post provides some practical applications of SPIFFE in real-world environments.

Synthetic Backup: The Future of Kubernetes Data Protection

Traditional backup methods, though useful, often struggle to keep up with the complexities and constant changes in Kubernetes environments. This is where synthetic backup comes in—a revolutionary approach that significantly improves data protection. In this article, we explore what synthetic backup is and why it’s a better option than traditional methods. We discuss the specific benefits it offers for Kubernetes applications, including real-world examples and technical insights.

Global Cyber Insurance Premiums Decline Despite Ransomware Surge

Cyber insurance has a strange past: AIG first took cyber insurance to market in 1997 despite a total lack of actuarial data to inform premiums or policies. Essentially, the industry ran on guesswork. Even today, the cyber insurance market is remarkably unpredictable compared to long-established insurance policies such as those for housing or health.

Cato CTRL Threat Actor Profile: Yashechka

To further raise awareness on threat actor activity in the dark web and hacking communities, today we are introducing the Cato CTRL Threat Actor Profile. This will be a blog series that profiles various threat actors and documents notable activity that we are observing. Our inaugural Cato CTRL Threat Actor Profile is on Yashechka.

Forensic Cyberpsychology: Profiling the Next-Generation Cybercriminal

Cybercrime is a major concern for individuals, businesses, and governments alike. As technology advances, so do the tactics and sophistication of those who seek to exploit it for nefarious purposes. Data shows that, on average, a cyber attack occurs every 39 seconds, affecting one in three Americans annually.

Cloud identity insights - Detect at the edge in real time

Cloud attacks strike fast. Prevention used to be enough, but not anymore. And legacy EDR tools fall short because they lack visibility into cloud identities and behavior. Defenders need the ability to detect at the edge - in real time - and correlate early stage identity behavior to see what's happening fast.

How Datadog Security Inbox prioritizes security risks

In November 2023, Datadog announced the launch of Security Inbox, a solution that equips security and engineering teams with valuable insights for mitigating security risks. Security Inbox takes the guesswork out of addressing the most pressing security risks by automatically organizing them into an actionable list for remediation. As of today, Security Inbox has already served thousands of security and engineering teams, giving them the right context at the right time for protecting their environments.