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Phishing in Style: Microsoft Sway Abused to Deliver Quishing Attacks

In July 2024, Netskope Threat Labs tracked a 2,000-fold increase in traffic to phishing pages delivered through Microsoft Sway. The majority of the credential grabbing pages investigated used “Quishing,” a form of phishing that uses QR code to trick users into accessing a malicious website. The phishing campaigns targeted MS Office credentials, using documents to bait users into logging in.

How To Stop Spam Calls

Although there is no way to stop receiving all spam calls, there are steps you can take to reduce the number of spam calls you receive. According to Truecaller’s 2024 report, Americans collectively receive an average of 2.5 billion spam and unwanted calls every month. While spam calls do not always have malicious intent, like hacking your phone or stealing your money, they can grow annoying since they are unwanted and persistent.

Ace Your Back-to-School Season with Threat Intelligence

As the school year officially kicks off, students everywhere are hitting the books. But it’s also time for IT and security teams as well as administrators to get up to speed on the latest cyber threats that may impact their environment. The education sector is a treasure trove of valuable data – from financial and sensitive personal information to intellectual property and raw research data – which makes it an attractive target for threat actors.

Protecting Patient Safety: Trustwave's Role in Healthcare Cybersecurity

The healthcare industry's digital transformation has brought unprecedented advancements in patient care. However, it has also introduced new vulnerabilities that put sensitive patient data at risk. Cybersecurity is no longer an option but a critical component of delivering safe and effective care. Threat actors have no compunction about taking advantage of this increased threat surface.

Enhanced Data Security and Regulatory Compliance With AWS Cloud + Protegrity

Protegrity is proud to partner with AWS, offering businesses like yours the integrations you need to start protecting data at the field level. With precision data protection through Protegrity and AWS, companies can start meeting regulatory compliance standards outlined with PCI DSS, GDPR, Nacha, or other compliance requirements. With regulatory compliance standards met, businesses can unlock opportunities in improved cloud migration, AI, advanced analytics, reputation management, and more. See how Protegrity’s data protection and partnership with AWS can take your organization to the next level.

How Automation and AI are Transforming GRC Management

There is no doubt that we now live in an AI-driven, automation-powered world. Across industries and markets, leaders and professionals are achieving the utility of AI in their processes. The same applies to Governance, Risk, and Compliance (GRC) management, but when one looks at the actual implementation, the data shows that there's still a long way to go. According to one recent report, only 21% of GRC leaders use AI to perform GRC activities.

The wider impact of the CrowdStrike outage

On Friday 19 July 2024, CrowdStrike suffered a serious outage in which over 8.5 million computers were taken offline. Whilst it may have first appeared to be a cyber-attack, it was actually a faulty update to CrowdStrike Falcon which led to computers crashing to a blue screen on boot. Many organisations were affected, and in some cases were unable to access computer systems for multiple hours.