Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance


How financial services companies discover, classify, and manage sensitive data with Datadog

As financial services companies, such as banks, hedge funds, and stock exchanges, move to the cloud, sensitive data often unintentionally moves with them. To help avoid costly breaches and address governance, risk, and compliance (GRC) requirements such as PCI-DSS, GDPR, and SOC 2, these organizations may need to identify where in the cloud sensitive data can leak and be able to redact it at scale.

The State of DevOps Threats Report -'s Study Highlights The Major Cyber Risks and Security Best Practices

DevOps practices have significantly transformed the software industry, leading to faster release cycles and more streamlined workflows. The enduring presence of the DevOps model is undeniable, and its influence on modern development methodologies is profound. However, this accelerated pace introduces challenges, particularly regarding DevOps security.

Types of Spyware

There are several different types of spyware, such as adware, stalkerware and keyloggers. No matter what kind of spyware is installed on your device, it is frightening to have your privacy invaded and sensitive information stolen by cybercriminals. Read more to learn what spyware is, the different types of spyware and how to protect your devices from spyware.

Three Misconceptions About Dealing with a Global IT Outage

The events of Friday the 19th 2024 had a profound impact on organizations around the globe. I suppose a widespread global IT outage has a way of clarifying the mind—and IT leaders are recognizing that resilience is crucial for maintaining operations for their consumers, customers, staff, partners, and shareholders. But much of the post-mortem analysis seems to be misunderstanding key lessons from the outage.

Graylog API Security Content Pack: Changing the Game!

APIs form the backbone of modern digital systems, enabling seamless data exchange and integration. However, their critical role also makes them attractive targets for cyber threats. Traditional security measures often fail to address API-specific challenges effectively. Graylog API Security Content Pack emerges as a game-changer, reimagining API defense through innovative threat detection and response approaches.