Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance


Essential Features to Look for in a Data Management as a Service Solution

Today, organizations face more data than ever. Efficient data management is vital for success and compliance. This is where Data Management as a Service (DMaaS) steps in. These data service solutions simplify data management. They allow businesses to manage data without big in-house setups. However, choosing the right DMaaS solution can be tricky. So, what should you look for? Here are the key features.

How To Prevent Data Loss

Organizations of all sizes depend on data to maintain their operations. As cybersecurity professionals, we must guard this asset from loss, theft, or corruption. Data loss can have devastating consequences, from financial harm to reputational damage and regulatory penalties. This guide will provide the knowledge and strategies you need to effectively prevent data loss in your organization. What You’ll Learn.

6 Threat Detection Challenges for MDRs and How to Overcome Them

Managed Detection and Response (MDR) is a cybersecurity service offered by a Managed Security Services Provider (MSSP) that combines human security expertise with modern security tools to deliver managed threat detection, security monitoring, and incident response capabilities for both SMBs and enterprise clients.

"Will the Real Platform Please Stand-Up" at Black Hat 2024 - Presented by Maxime Lamothe-Brassard

LimaCharlie CEO, Maxime Lamothe-Brassard, presented "Will the Real Platform Please Stand-Up" at Black Hat 2024. Max dissected the characteristics that actually matter to security practitioners, exploring how a genuine platform should be structured, accessed, and what it must deliver.

Handling Internal Security Threats: A Balanced Approach

While external cyberattacks often make the headlines, internal security risks (aka insider risks) present a significant danger that is sometimes underestimated. These risks can arise from disgruntled employees, negligent insiders, or malicious actors with privileged access. The repercussions of such breaches can be severe, resulting in data loss, financial harm, legal fines, and harm to reputation.