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Differences Between VM Snapshots and Backups

Backups and snapshots are two popular technologies that enterprises use to mitigate data loss and minimize disruptions. In fact, backups and DR remain a top priority for organizations in 2023 to protect their data and mitigate the consequences of cyber threats and other incidents. Snapshots and backups may seem to serve the same purpose at first glance since they both allow you to recover data. However, snapshots are not a replacement for backups.

Guardians of the Files: Tracing the Evolution of File Integrity Monitoring

File Integrity Monitoring (FIM) is a cybersecurity process that involves continuously monitoring files and systems to identify any unauthorized changes. FIM solutions maintain file integrity by comparing a file or system's current state to a known, trusted baseline and flagging any discrepancies. It is key for identifying security breaches, preventing data tampering, and maintaining compliance.

How to Build a RACI Matrix for Single-Vendor SASE Success

Selecting the right SASE (Secure Access Service Edge) vendor requires a solid project management tool that fosters collaboration between network and IT security teams. This collaboration, or team unity, will ensure alignment with an organization’s strategic goals while leveraging the respective expertise of stakeholders. Consequently, the selected SASE solution will meet network design, configuration, and security needs – essential for project success.

Fireblocks joins CMTA to define the standards for tokenization in traditional capital markets

Fireblocks has joined the Swiss-based Capital Markets and Technology Association (CMTA), an independent association formed by leading participants in the financial, technological, and legal sectors to create common standards around issuing, distributing, and trading securities in the form of tokens using distributed ledger technology (DLT).