Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance


Threat Actors Abuse Microsoft Sway to Launch QR Code Phishing Attacks

Researchers at Netskope last month observed a 2000-fold increase in traffic to phishing pages delivered through Microsoft Sway. The phishing attacks are targeting organizations in the technology, manufacturing, and finance sectors in Asia and North America. Most of these attacks involved QR code phishing (quishing) to trick victims into visiting the malicious sites.

August Release Rollup: PDF Document Comparison, Content Classification Policy Recommendations, Knowledge Base Updates and More

We’re excited to share new updates and enhancements for August, including highlights: For more information on these updates and others, please read our complete list below and follow the links for more detailed articles.

The Downloadable Risk Assessment Template for Cybersecurity [XLS]

Every day, new headlines emerge about another major corporation falling victim to a cyberattack, leaving businesses everywhere questioning their vulnerabilities. These breaches underscore the critical need for thorough risk assessments to identify and mitigate potential weaknesses. Proactively managing risks enables organizations to better defend against the relentless wave of cyber threats.

On-Prem and Kubernetes: A delicate relationship

In cloud security, context is everything. In the previous two installments of our Customers Care Chronicles, we wrote about how a security vendor needs to be a true business partner and the potential headaches when migrating tools in the cloud. In this installment, we tackle another non-security concept that happens to be crucial for security: environment.

How to Prevent Malware Attacks from Impacting Your Business

A robust malware prevention and detection strategy is critical to cyber security and cyber resilience today. After all, a single malware infection can inflict serious financial damage — from business disruptions and remediation costs to lasting reputational damage and customer churn. To help, this blog explains the types of malware organizations need to defend against and the common vectors for deployment.

Understanding OWASP Top 10 Client-Side Risks

Websites rely heavily on client-side code to deliver interactive user experiences. Unlike server-side code, which is protected within an organization’s infrastructure, client-side code runs in the user’s browser and is exposed to various risks such as data theft and JS injection. Recognizing the unique challenges of securing client-side code, OWASP has created a dedicated Top 10 list for client-side security risks.

How Frequently Should We Run a Vulnerability Scan?

All it takes is a single unpatched vulnerability to breach security and gain access to a company’s mission-critical assets. Effective vulnerability management is essential for strong cybersecurity. Vulnerability scans play a key role in this process, offering a clear view of the entire IT infrastructure and identifying existing vulnerabilities. How many times should we run scans? Are we scanning often enough? These are the questions we often get.

Best Practices for Creating Strong Passwords You'll Remember

Making sure your password is strong yet memorable can be challenging and stressful. However, following best practices – like using passphrases, incorporating acronyms and relying on a password manager – will ensure your passwords are strong and safe. A strong password should contain at least 16 characters, with a combination of uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers and symbols.

IoT Automation: Top Applications and Key Benefits

Curious about how IoT automation can revolutionize your industry? This article dives into practical applications like smart manufacturing, predictive maintenance, and remote monitoring. We’ll explore the key benefits, including increased productivity, cost cuts, and improved safety, including real-world examples and insights on how IoT is driving efficiency and innovation in industrial automation.