Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance


Threat Hunting for macOS - Webinar

MacOS environments are increasingly becoming targets for sophisticated cyber attacks. This webinar delves into advanced threat hunting techniques within macOS, focusing on the utilization of MUL (macOS Unified Logging) events and comprehensive system telemetry. We look at macOS data sources to uncover hidden threats and enhance detection capabilities.

The Role of Network Forensics in Identifying Threats

The outlook of cyber threats in this modern cyber warfare theater has changed a great deal. Annually, 60% businesses drop victims to data breaches and cyber-attacks. Security teams intrinsically find themselves in a scenario whereby they lack visibility and control of the network traffic and are incidentally unable to detect and respond in real-time. To this regard, modern cybersecurity strategies now incorporate network forensics into their arsenal of defenses.

What You Need to Know About the ISOO CUI Registry

We’ve written a lot about various security frameworks, from CMMC to ISO 27001, and throughout all of them, one of the core elements is the need to protect CUI. Information that is controlled at a very high – SECRET, Classified, or other – level is tightly bound by specific rules and can only be handled by select individuals. Completely base, public information is freely available and completely uncontrolled. But there’s a lot of information somewhere in the middle.

The Impact of Cyber Events on Patient Care

Welcome to the Data Security Decoded podcast, brought to you by Rubrik Zero Labs. In each installment, we discuss cybersecurity with thought leaders and industry experts, and get their take on trends, themes, and where they see the sector going next. This is a must-listen for organizations and individuals looking to secure their data and achieve cyber resilience. We're excited to kick off a series of special episodes featuring highlights from the recent Rubrik Zero Labs Virtual Summit. This series offers a unique look into the critical conversations happening around data security.

Apple, X, and the Revolution in VPN Technology

A virtual private network is a tool used to encrypt data and mask a user's IP address. Many people use them to access content that may be banned in their country. In certain jurisdictions, X is being prohibited and has been linked to a rise in VPN use. In this article, we talk about how Apple customers have found them increasingly hard to find.

Why Your Laptop Slows Down

In today's world, a laptop is not just a luxury but an indispensable tool for both work and leisure. With technological advancements, laptops enable us to watch movies, connect with friends, listen to music, and indulge in online activities. However, when a laptop starts to slow down, users lose access to these privileges. Simple tasks that used to happen in the blink of an eye now require prolonged waiting. Maybe it's time to upgrade your RAM? Check the available RAM for your laptop.

Top tips: Notorious session sniffing attacks and tips for avoiding them

In cybersecurity, session sniffing—an attack method where attackers receive and use session data—is a recurring danger. The impacts of session sniffing are evident from numerous high-profile assaults. Let’s discuss some of these important cases that highlight the significance of strong security procedures.