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Lost in Translation: Vulnerability Management Communication Gaps

Vulnerability management is absolutely critical to protecting an organization’s IT and cloud infrastructure, systems, or applications from incoming threats. The ability to remediate the most relevant vulnerabilities quickly is the only way to keep your perimeter safe. Yet, security teams struggle with managing vulnerabilities. Why? At the core lies a fundamental communication and collaboration problem.

Protect Sensitive Data with Key Privacy Enhancing Techniques

In today’s digital world, protecting sensitive data is more critical than ever. Organizations handle vast amounts оf information daily, much оf which includes sensitive data like Personally Identifiable Information (PII), financial details, and confidential business records. The exposure of this data can lead to severe consequences, including identity theft, financial loss, and reputational damage.

A Comprehensive Guide to SOPS: Managing Your Secrets Like A Visionary, Not a Functionary

Have you heard about SOPS? If you have already been in a situation where you needed to share sensitive information with your teammates, this is for you. Today, let's have a look at how it works and how to use it with various key management services such as AWS KMS and HashiCorp Vault.

Introduction to Amazon S3 Storage Classes

A good deal of my time and efforts in educating customers today is around object storage in general and AWS S3 in particular. In case you missed it 11:11 Systems has recently taken our partnership with AWS to the next level, making all of their S3 class storage available to you with our award winning support and flexible pricing options.

6 Technical Testing Skills that you know about Automation Tester

In this ever-growing world of software development, the role of an automation tester has been increasing rapidly. An automation tester is the one who is responsible for designing, implementing, and maintaining automated testing procedures and frameworks. They do this by using special tools to automatically test the programs for any problems.

How Cloud Computing Enhances Cybersecurity Strategies

Cloud computing for the purpose of cybersecurity can be more useful than ever. Many businesses around the world are becoming more reliant on the technology for the purpose of scalability and cost-effectiveness when it comes to data storage. Yet, using it for cybersecurity purposes might give them a better chance to protect even the most sensitive data that must be protected in the first place. This guide will take a look at what cloud computing and cybersecurity can provide when they work together. Let's discuss everything you need to know right now.

Enhance network security: 6 key steps for an effective firewall rule audit

A firewall rule audit is an essential process for ensuring that your firewall rules are effective and aligned with your security policies. As network environments grow more complex, managing and optimizing firewall rule bases becomes increasingly challenging. Over time, firewall rules can accumulate, leading to bloated, inefficient rule sets that hamper performance, increase security risks, and complicate compliance efforts.

Understanding Adjust Memory Quotas for a Process

The windows security setting adjust memory quotas for a process, specifies who has the permission to change the maximum amount of random access memory (RAM) that a program or application can access at any specific time. Doing so controls and manages system resources, ensuring the system runs smoothly. The adjust memory quotas for a process setting decides who can change a program or process' memory quota.

5 Ways a Network Digital Twin Can Revolutionize CVE Compliance

In the rapidly evolving cybersecurity landscape, the sheer volume of Common Vulnerability and Exposure (CVE) notices has become a daunting challenge for SecOps teams. In 2023 alone, the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) issued 28,901 CVE notices, reflecting the growing complexity and intensity of potential threats.