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Powering the future of GRC: New capabilities bring continuous visibility and automation to GRC teams

Security is a top buying requirement for businesses today. In fact, two-thirds of respondents to our State of Trust survey say that customers, investors, and suppliers are increasingly looking for proof of security and compliance. As concerns around in-house security practices, third-party tools, and access to customer data grow, customer expectations for trust continue to rise. ‍

Key considerations for digital asset startups: Custody and beyond

Blockchain technology continues to grow in prominence, and as it expands, a wide range of businesses are looking to develop digital asset products. At the same time, many startups are launching with digital assets at the center of their businesses. If you are running a digital asset business or building a blockchain product, it’s important to consider what type of custody management solution will best support your business.

It's Time to Press Play on the AI Pause: Data Security Insights for a New Era

This past summer was the first time I watched the Olympics since moving to the U.S. Besides appreciating the sheer greatness of the American Olympic spirit, there was also another thing that could not go missed - AI! Filling up every commercial slot seemed to be AI. And mainly, the commercials focused on harnessing AI for business productivity and operations. No matter your take on the greatest Olympic moment or greatest AI commercial, one could not overlook this overwhelming trend.

Introduction to Amazon S3 Storage Classes

A good deal of my time and efforts in educating customers today is around object storage in general and AWS S3 in particular. In case you missed it 11:11 Systems has recently taken our partnership with AWS to the next level, making all of their S3 class storage available to you with our award winning support and flexible pricing options.

Lost in Translation: Vulnerability Management Communication Gaps

Vulnerability management is absolutely critical to protecting an organization’s IT and cloud infrastructure, systems, or applications from incoming threats. The ability to remediate the most relevant vulnerabilities quickly is the only way to keep your perimeter safe. Yet, security teams struggle with managing vulnerabilities. Why? At the core lies a fundamental communication and collaboration problem.

Cryptominers in the Cloud

Over the past decade, Bitcoin’s value has increased more than 200-fold. Similarly, other cryptocurrencies have also seen significant growth, prompting many individuals to engage in mining for profit. This rise in cryptocurrency mining has led to a substantial increase in the use of cryptominers. As organizations increasingly migrate their computing workloads to the cloud for various benefits, attackers have shifted their focus to these cloud resources for cryptocurrency mining.