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Access Management

Two-Factor Authentication and Password Managers: Layering Your Defenses

In a world where data breaches are no longer the exception but the norm, the adage "the best offense is a good defense" has never rung truer for digital security. Individual users and organizations alike are grappling with how to protect sensitive data from an ever-growing tide of sophisticated cyber threats. Layering your defenses through the combined power of two-factor authentication (2FA) and password managers is not just a recommendation; it's quickly becoming a critical necessity.

Powering your MSP Business by Offering Access Management

The market for managed services is poised for continued growth with cybersecurity being in high demand. Small and midsize businesses (SMBs) are increasingly concerned about protecting their people, data, applications, and Cloud workloads from risks, and many SMBs are now familiar with the MSP model and becoming more selective.

Episode 3:Weaving privilege elevation controls into your access management routines

In the third episode, we will delve deep into implementing the basics of privilege elevation and delegation management (PEDM) to enforce time-limited, requirement-based access to mission-critical resources. Join us to learn more about how you can grant access permissions to your users on an all-or-nothing basis and make the most of our PAM solution to handle real-time PEDM challenges.

What is Single Sign-On: The Benefits and Importance of Implementing SSO

Every day, more people get online - most do it for leisure, but organizations are increasingly moving into the digital environment. The increasing number of these new end-point users makes it clear that the cyber world must evolve. No longer can experts argue for unique platform passwords when password fatigue is prominent, nor can cybersecurity defenders protect all the various attack junctures across multiple platforms and tools.

What does IAM PassRole do and How to Set it Up

95% of cloud security fails are due to internal slip-ups. One wrong password, one sloppy permission, and your sensitive data are out in the open. Thankfully, AWS gives you tools to fight back. IAM lets you control who does what, down to the finest detail. And IAM PassRole? It prevents sneaky permission grabs that put your data at risk.

Seven Best Practices for Privileged Access Management

Privileged Access Management (PAM) protects an organization’s most critical systems and accounts from unauthorized access, making it important to have a good PAM strategy in place. Some of the best practices to develop a good PAM strategy include implementing least privilege access, monitoring privileged accounts, adopting password security best practices, requiring multi-factor authentication and auditing privileges regularly.

Understanding Multi-Factor Authentication

When 23andMe, the popular genetic data gathering and sharing organization, was breached in November of 2023, the threat actors responsible gained initial access by launching a credential stuffing attack. The attack, which involved hackers using credential stuffing, or entering known passwords and emails to see if a combination would work, only succeeded due to a lack of multi-factor authentication (MFA) in place in the compromised account.