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How to mitigate kubelet's CVE-2021-25741: Symlink exchange can allow host filesystem access

CVE-2021-25741 is a new vulnerability discovered in Kubernetes that allows users to create a container with subpath volume mounts to access files & directories outside of the volume, including the host filesystem. It was disclosed in September 2021 and affects kubelet, which is the node agent that runs on each Kubernetes node. In particular CVE-2021-25741 affects kubelet in these Kubernetes versions.

Weekly Cyber Security News 24/09/2021

A selection of this week’s more interesting vulnerability disclosures and cyber security news. For a daily selection see our twitter feed at #ionCube24. Complex features require a little more care and understanding. If unsure I would advise disabling them and looking at the documentation – that is assuming such features have correct documentation!.

What is an Attack Vector? A Deep Dive Into Security Exposures

In cybersecurity, an attack vector is a method of gaining unauthorized access to a private network. These pathways are either unintentional, such as vulnerabilities in third-party software, or intentionally designed by hackers, such as malicious software (malware). Cybercriminals primarily exploit attack vectors to advance extorsion tactics, the most popular being the deployment of ransomware.

What are Web Shell Attacks? How to Protect Your Web Servers

During a web shell attack, a cybercriminal injects a malicious file into a target web server's directory and then executes that file from their web browser. After launching a successful web shell attack, cybercriminals could gain access to sensitive resources, recruit the target system into a botnet, or create pathways for malware or ransomware injections. If you haven't implemented defense strategies against this cyber threat, your systems are at a high risk of exploitation.

OWASP Top 10 2021 is out - what's new and changed

It doesn’t seem that long ago that I wrote about the OWASP Top 10 changes that came in 2017. OWASP has announced the release for the new 2021 Top 10. Find out more about Broken Access Control and Cryptographic Failure vulnerabilities and understand what it means for application development and DevSecOps

Nightfall for Google Drive, now with remediation

Nightfall has added remediation actions for Google Drive violations, so you can fix the issue automatically or with just a click. Nightfall for Google Drive is one of our most popular integrations, helping customers to discover and classify sensitive data across Google Drive. Once sensitive data violations are found to exist in Google Drive, you want to take steps to protect the data – because removing the risk is really the point, isn’t it?

Backing up 10,000 SQL Server Databases in a Lazy Afternoon

Customers using Microsoft SQL Server tend to grow horizontally in terms of the number of databases. For recent versions of SQL Server, the max number of databases you can have on a single instance is 32,767 and it is common to see customers push that limit. At Rubrik, we have run into several customers who approach 10,000 databases on a single host. As SQL Server accelerates the push into the enterprise segment, one needs to address the problem of managing and protecting these servers at scale.


Do you want to archive old emails now? We’ve all seen the prompt and many of us choose to consign thousands of emails to an uncertain fate, protected (somewhere) in case we should ever need to cover our arses in some future argument. But this paints a very limited and negative picture of the importance and indeed relevance of archives. Today archives are associated with rearward-facing research, often seeking to uncover a truth long after alternative facts have taken hold.