Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance


Better together with Sysdig and Anchore: Comprehensive container security across the software development lifecycle

In the new cloud-native world, ephemeral services like containers make security a challenging task. As enterprises start adopting containers in production, they suffer from a great deal of variance in the software, configuration, and other static artifacts that exist across their organization’s container image set.

Kubernetes Security-Are your Container Doors Open?

Container adoption in IT industry is on a dramatic growth. The surge in container adoption is the driving force behind the eagerness to get on board with the most popular orchestration platform around, organizations are jumping on the Kubernetes bandwagon to orchestrate and gauge their container workloads.

Shifting Left Is a Lie... Sort of

It would be hard to be involved in technology in any way and not see the dramatic upward trend in DevOps adoption. In their January 2019 publication “Five Key Trends To Benchmark DevOps Progress,” Forrester research found that 56 percent of firms were ‘implementing, implemented or expanding’ DevOps. Further, 51 percent of adopters have embraced DevOps for either all new or all applications. Clearly, DevOps adoption is here and growing.

Endpoint Security Analytics with Sumo Logic and Carbon Black

As the threat landscape continues to expand, having end-to-end visibility across your modern application stack and cloud infrastructures is crucial. Customers cannot afford to have blind spots in their environment and that includes data being ingested from third-party tools.

6 Reasons you Should Consider an Annual Penetration Testing Especially in Healthcare

Breaches are widely observed in the healthcare sector and can be caused by many different types of incidents, including credential-stealing malware, an insider who either purposefully or accidentally discloses patient data, or lost laptops or other devices. Personal Health Information (PHI) is more valuable on the black market than credit card credentials or regular Personally Identifiable Information (PII).