Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance


Protect your privacy with 1Password and Fastmail

Last year, we made it easier to make secure payments online through direct integration with Privacy. Now, we’re doing the same for email. Announcing Masked Email – a 1Password and Fastmail integration. Create new, unique email addresses without ever leaving the sign-up page. Keep your real email address private from the apps or services that you sign up for – using a masked email address can protect you from breaches, and puts control of your inbox back in your hands.

Adopt the "Beyonce Rule" for Scalable Impact

Recently, I started to read the invaluable book Software Engineering at Google. It’s a great book by Google, describing their engineering practices across many different domains. One of the first chapters discusses the matter of making a “scalable impact,” which I find very interesting, and something that I believe has been overlooked by many organizations.

Are Bots Threatening Travel in 2021? | On-demand Webinar

The last 12 months have seen the travel industry shut down almost completely as borders were closed, and the global population was brought to a standstill, locked in their own homes. As the industry looks to reopen over the coming months, cybersecurity must be a high priority in the hospitality and travel industry, as bots look to disrupt hotel bookings, staycations and international travel.

The biggest threats to your brand in 2021

Last year saw an unprecedented scale of cyber-attacks and data breaches facilitated and accelerated by Covid-19, from scalper bots targeting the PS5 launch to Twitter’s high-profile hack in July. Cybercriminals are upping the ante to capitalise on increased online activity, and automated technology is set to play a huge part in the defence against bot attacks in 2021.