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New Log4j 2.17.1 fixes CVE-2021-44832 remote code execution but it's not as bad as it sounds

As previously predicted to unfold, at approximately 7:35 PM GMT, 28th of December 2021, another security vulnerability impacting the Log4j logging library was published as CVE-2021-44832. This new CVE-2021-44832 security vulnerability is affecting versions up to 2.17.0, which was previously thought to be fixed. This vulnerability is similar in nature to CVE-2021-4104 which affected the 1.x branch of Log4j.

Cybersecurity Predictions for 2022

2021 was a busy year for the cybersecurity industry. It began in January, as we were just beginning to understand the impact and massive scope of the SolarWinds attack. Then Kaseya happened. Then the Colonial Pipeline was breached. And now, as 2021 comes to a close, we’re in the early days of the Log4j crisis that will take all of next year—if not longer—to fully unpack, understand and mitigate.

Pet surveillance with Falco - Home Security

If you are here, chances are that your pet is always running around, destroying things in your sweet house. We will show you how to enrich Falco security through a smart plugin that may not stop your pet from bad behavior, but will at least warn you when it does misbehave! Out of the box, Falco is denoted as the cloud-native runtime security project. Recently though, it gained support for plugins, in other words, shared libraries that provide external event sources. What does that mean?

LDAP Server Guide - How Does It Work?

Understanding LDAP servers can be confusing, but it doesn't have to be. In this video, I try to explain the basics of how they work and what you should know about them before setting one up for your company. Cyphere is a UK-based cyber security services provider helping organisations to secure their most prized assets. We provide technical risk assessment (pen testing/ethical hacking) and managed security services. This advice is a true third party opinion, free from any vendor inclinations or reselling objectives.

The Top 59 Cybersecurity Conferences in 2022

Looking to 2022, cybersecurity and business leaders are looking forward to digital and in-person conferences. Cybersecurity conferences offer everyone a way to connect, learn, and share. We’ve compiled a comprehensive, chronological list of cybersecurity conferences that you want to attend in 2022.

A Year of Threat Intel: Looking Back at SpiderLabs Research in 2021

2021 will go down in the record book as another critical year in the cybersecurity sector, with high-profile ransomware campaigns and supply chain attacks making national headlines. The elite Trustwave SpiderLabs team was in the trenches for our clients around the world -- providing key insights, threat intelligence, and breakthrough research on a wide array of vulnerabilities and malware. Take a journey through some of the most-read research from Trustwave SpiderLabs in 2021.

5 Tips for a Successful Teleport Proof of Value Evaluation

Most car purchases start with a test drive. Increasingly, enterprise software purchases (including security software) are made the same way. These evaluations are often called a Proof of Concept or PoC. This term is a great fit for lots of situations, especially when the solution evolves a novel way of combining established tools or a hard-to-define use case that can only be judged in practice.

What is ITAR Compliance?

Most organizations, especially those in the defense trade, are finding themselves on the spot when their prime contractors ask them whether they are ITAR Certified and ITAR Compliant. Some contractors even want to know the steps you're taking to meet this regulation. As a chief information security officer, you've probably heard of CPA and GDPR compliance and their role in consumer data. But, how well are you versed with International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR)?