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2021 Highlights and Insights: Netacea's Top 5

2021 has been a whirlwind of a year for most, with lockdown restrictions easing, businesses re-opening, and people finally being able to see their family and friends in person again. For Netacea, 2021 has been all about strengthening our remote-first team and finally venturing back into the office to meet new and old colleagues face to face once again.

Top 4 Malicious Domain Incidents of 2021

Cybercriminals are increasingly using malicious domains as an attack vector. Our Internet Security Report Q1 2021 already detected a 281% increase in the number of domains blocked by DNSWatch over the previous quarter, and there has been significant activity in the past year with such links exploiting the interest in COVID-19.

What Is Digital Risk Management?

A digital security risk is any action or event that could cause loss of or damage to computer software, hardware, data, processing capability, or information. Digital risk management is an organization’s effort to keep such risks at acceptable levels. It’s crucial to understand that a risk is not the same as vulnerability. A risk is any event that could lead to an undesired outcome or loss. A vulnerability, on the other hand, is a weakness that can be exploited.

Log4j Log4Shell Vulnerability Q&A

In our recent webinar, Log4j Log4Shell Vulnerability Explained: All You Need To Know, our Senior Director Security Research expert Shachar Menashe shared information on the security issue and how to detect and remediate it. We are happy to share additional information in the following Q&A, based on the questions raised during the webinar.

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Cybersecurity Predictions To Help Your Business Stay Safe

Cyberattacks are not a recent phenomenon, but their risk is growing. 2021 has proven that these hacks are occurring more frequently and that even the most sophisticated organisations can be threatened. The reality is that these cyberattacks will continue to be an enormous threat in 2022. Below, we have collated predictions from top cybersecurity executives on how to navigate these new challenges and ensure that your business stays safe in 2022.
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Discovering vulnerable Log4J libraries on your network with EventSentry

Just when the Microsoft Exchange exploit CVE-2021-26855 thought it would win the “Exploit of the year” award, it got unseated by the – still evolving – Log4J exploit just weeks before the end of the year! Had somebody asked Sysadmins in November what Log4J was then I suspect that the majority would have had no idea. It seems that the biggest challenge the Log4J exploit poses for Sysadmins is simply the fact that nobody knows all the places where Log4J is being used.

SecurityScorecard CISO Mike Wilkes talks about 2022 Cybersecurity Predictions

There's never been a more important time to strengthen your cybersecurity posture. Hear what SecurityScorecard's Chief Information Security Officer, Mike Wilkes, has to say about 2022 Cybersecurity Predictions. He'll also share key ways you can improve your cyber posture going into the new year.

The Top 9 Cybersecurity Predictions for 2022

Cyberattacks are constantly evolving as criminals discover new ways to crack strong networks or automate attacks to target vulnerable systems. Nowadays, it seems as if cyberattacks are everywhere you look. In 2021, we faced many new attack vectors as the shift to remote work challenged traditional work operations, and we are likely to see those continue well into 2022.