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Your Log4shell Remediation Cookbook Using the JFrog Platform

Last week, a researcher from the Alibaba Cloud Security Team dropped a zero-day remote code execution exploit on Twitter, targeting the extremely popular log4j logging framework for Java (specifically, the 2.x branch called Log4j2). The vulnerability was originally discovered and reported to Apache by the Alibaba cloud security team on November 24th. MITRE assigned CVE-2021-44228 to this vulnerability, which has since been dubbed Log4Shell by security researchers.

Five worthy reads: Congratulations! You have just been socially engineered

Five worthy reads is a regular column on five noteworthy items we’ve discovered while researching trending and timeless topics. In this edition, we’ll learn about social engineering, its types, its evolution, and how to avoid falling victim to a social engineering attack. Kevin David Mitnick is considered one of the most famous social engineers among the IT community. Kevin is now a top cybersecurity speaker and a best-selling author.

What is supplier due diligence?

Supplier due diligence is an action taken by an organisation to identify and understand the credibility and suitability of a prospective partner or vendor. Conducting supplier due diligence can help guide decision-making when choosing the right vendor, detect risks with potential suppliers and protect customer data in the process. It's also considered good business practice and can help mitigate future financial and reputational damage caused by a data breach.

Has the pandemic increased the burnout rate in the Cybersecurity profession?

In the last 18 months, many people have learned a lot about themselves. The solitude of lockdowns, isolation, remote work, and seemingly endless video meetings have taxed everyone’s mental health. One would think that cybersecurity would have been unaffected by these shifts in working environments and habits. After all, many of us are introverted by nature, which is one of the reasons often cited as why we gravitated towards technology as our chosen path.

DevSecOps and Data Engineering

As security is adopted more in the shift left devsecops approach it brings with it a re-examining of the full SDLC. This is increasingly important not only as part of security policies and app handling but also ensuring the protection of infrastructure, data and end user app experiences. In this Snyk Live episode we are joined by Saman Fatima, sharing experiences around security practices and approach. Looking at DevSecOps practices like IAM and how security can apply to data engineering.

Hangin' with Haig: Conversations Beyond the Keyboard with Guest cyber threat hunter, Jessica O'Bryan

ThreatQuotient's Director of Alliances, Haig Colter, assumes the role of host in our series Hangin’ with Haig: Conversations Beyond the Keyboard. In our upcoming episode, we welcome Jessica O’Bryan, Cyber Threat Intelligence & Threat Hunt Development Lead for the Cyber Security Operations Center (CSOC) at Viasat. Haig will dive into Jessica’s journey in the cybersecurity industry and her love for rock climbing and surfing. In order to follow her passion for the outdoors and sports, Jessica has traveled throughout the west coast in a camper. Join us and listen in on Jessica's incredible adventures.

SecurityScorecard Finds Log4j Active Exploitation from Nation State Actors

There's little question that you've already heard about the recently discovered security flaw related to Log4j, a widely used Java library for logging error messages in applications. The vulnerability enables a threat actor to remotely execute commands via remote code execution (RCE) on nearly any machine using Log4j. But it's also important to cut through all of the noise to truly understand the implications of the Log4j and what organizations can do to combat it.