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Biggest Challenges to Implementing ISO 27001

In today’s world where information security is fundamental to businesses to protect their systems, network and data, compliance to ISO 27001 is crucial. ISO 27001 is an internationally recognised set of standards that helps organisations manage their information security by establishing, implementing, and maintaining an information security management system (ISMS).

Sumo Logic vs Splunk: Which Is Better For Big Data Log Analysis?

Log analysis and security incident and event management (SIEM) tools have become staples of enterprise cyber resilience programs. For vigilant organizations, having infrastructure visibility into the transactions occurring behind the scenes is instrumental to maintaining a strong security posture. Splunk and SumoLogic are two leading platforms that serve this critical purpose—let’s revisit them again to see how their current offerings stack up.

Terraform & Keeper Secrets Manager: Better Together

Terraform is a very popular infrastructure-as-code (IAC) tool that enables DevOps teams to deploy and manage infrastructure such as servers, containers and databases. Since Keeper Secrets Manager supports record creation through Terraform, you can secure infrastructure secrets using your Keeper Vault. This feature, combined with existing credential read functionality, makes it possible to maintain your credentials’ full lifecycle using Keeper and Terraform.

PKI Management: Role of Certificate in PKI, Components, PKI Lifecycle Management

Everyday life depends on the internet, from online banking to shopping online in this digital world. However, with the increase in the use of networking, cyber-crimes have also increased, which results in the stealing of sensitive data and the spreading of malicious software through unnatural links. Here comes the importance of Public Key infrastructure. PKI is based on data encryption which secures online data from cyber-attacks.

A Partnership Protecting Critical Infrastructure: Centripetal and Dynics

Threat activity today is incredibly high, and industrial infrastructure is a primary target. Centripetal and Dynics are partnering to combine IT and OT expertise to better protect critical infrastructure and industrial control systems across the United States.

Secure Bots and Service Account Access With Ephemeral Certificates

"Create cryptographically secure access keys" and "Rotate keys frequently" — These are probably the best security recommendations one can get for bot authentication security. In reality, while these are good practices, they simply aren't enough. First, cryptographically secure keys only prevent simple guessable or brute-force attacks, but the impact is catastrophic if the keys themselves are stolen.

Black Duck Open Source Audits: Working through licensing issues like a pro

It’s critical to have the right people and approach when it comes to understanding and resolving licensing issues in open source audits. Many of our regular Black Duck Audit customers have well-honed processes that kick in after we deliver reports. We’ve gleaned some ideas and approaches from working with these clients and the biggest pro tip? You need a pro, i.e., make sure you have an open source-savvy attorney involved.