Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance


Elastic and Tines partner to detect security threats and reduce mean time to respond

Today, we’re happy to announce that Elastic and Tines are partnering to help our joint users detect security threats and reduce mean time to respond. Many of the world’s best security teams rely on the power of Elastic’s high-speed, cloud-scale detection, prevention, and response capabilities to investigate and contain potential security threats within their environments.

`npm init JSQuiz` The JS trivia night where you can win prizes!

Hey there friends of JS! Now tell me... do you think you could be a master of JS? Maybe you’re also a local legend of trivia night? Even if you’re neither of those things… Come and have a blast with us LIVE, and win some awesome prizes!! Join us on May 11 for a live trivia game hosted by @snyksec and @BrisJS, Test your JavaScript and Node.js knowledge for a fun-filled evening. Swag, giveaways and bragging rights included!

Mobile App Security & Google's Data Safety Launch - Yay or Nay?

Internet and software giant Google recently recalibrated how it categorizes its Playstore apps. Google's Android applications are tagged with 'nutrition labels' based on the security practices and the data they collect from users to share with third parties. The recently announced Google Play's Data Safety section goes into action from July 20th.

CrowdStrike Falcon Pro for Mac Achieves Highest Score in AV-TEST MacOS Evaluation for Business Users (March 2022)

CrowdStrike is the only vendor to achieve the highest possible score of 18 points in protection, performance and usability out of all four tested vendors during the AV-TEST MacOS evaluation for business users in March 2022.

RedLine Stealer Campaign Using Binance Mystery Box Videos to Spread GitHub-Hosted Payload

RedLine Stealer is a malware that emerged in 2020, discovered in underground forums being sold in different plans, starting from $100 per month. The malware offers many capabilities for device reconnaissance, remote control, and information stealing, including: Since its discovery, attackers have used many different vectors to spread this stealer, including through fake installers and fake game hacking tools. Also, RedLine Stealer was found in compromised devices by the DEV-0537 hacking group (a.k.a.

New Typosquating Attack on npm Package 'colors' Using Cross language Technique Explained

All developers are prone to mistakes that leave them open to typosquatting attacks. Tiredness, dirty keyboard, or software issues may lead to typing some letters twice. Everyone would like to see a red screen and alarm coming out of the computer in such a case, but sadly, it doesn’t always work that way with most supply chain attacks.