Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance


Introducing the first web3 engine.

Fireblocks Web3 Engine is the most comprehensive and secure suite of Web3 solutions for gaming studios, NFT services, and enterprises building the next generation of Web3 products. The Fireblocks Web3 Engine consists of 3 product suites: The #DeFi Suite: Build new DeFi-enabled Web3 services to generate yield for users, with connection to the widest range of both EVM and non-EVM blockchain protocols.

Canadian privacy laws revisited: Is your organization staying ahead of the curve?

Illustrated by Dorathe Victor The Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA) is well-known if you are an organization based out of Canada. In place for more than 20 years, it sets out rules for how businesses should collect, use, and disclose personal information while dealing in commercial activities. Some pieces of personally identifiable information (PII) that are protected under PIPEDA are name, age, ID number, income, ethnic origin, blood type, and more.

Scan your software packages for security vulnerabilities with JFrog Xray

Scanning your packages for security vulnerabilities and license violations should be done as early as possible in your SDLC, and the earlier the better. This concept is also known as “Shifting Left”, which helps your organization comply with security policies and standards early on in the software development process. As developers, this may seem like a hassle, but with JFrog CLI it’s easy!

Challenges that impact the Cybersecurity talent pipeline

Cyberattacks are alarming, and establishments must increase protections, embrace a layered attitude, and cultivate security-conscious users to combat growing concerns. Cybersecurity leaders are being inundated with talent development resources offered, encompassing hiring, recruitment, and retention of the talent pipeline. Fifty percent of hiring managers typically deem that their candidates aren’t highly qualified.

The State of Ransomware in 2022

Ransomware continues to be a prevalent threat to almost every modern industry after a sudden renaissance at the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic as threat actors sought to capitalize on overwhelmed organizations and their suddenly vulnerable employees. It poses a particular danger to companies that hold sensitive data and house valuable assets, or those that could impact countless other industries and organizations should their critical operations be taken offline.

Vulnerability Remediation: A Practical Guide

To stay ahead of malicious attacks, developers and security teams must have a way to identify, prioritize, fix, and monitor vulnerabilities, a process known as vulnerability remediation. When it comes to detection, organizations can use a variety of application security testing (AST) tools to identify vulnerabilities in software applications and other systems.

How to Secure Mobile Apps: A Complete Checklist for 2022

Full-fledged security is what every one needs! Due to the significant rise in cyber and malware attacks on the different apps, mobile app security is considered a critical component of app development. Therefore, having a highly secured mobile app ensures a hassle-free business operation! Whether your device is for professional or personal use, you need to protect a heap of data that you've stored.