Third-party data breaches are one of the most concerning issues in cybersecurity today. You need your third parties to do business, but you can’t always trust (or verify) that their cybersecurity controls are as strong as they say, no matter how many questionnaires you send out. And of course, cybercriminals know that by hitting vendors rather than every single company separately, they can get the most ill-gotten gains for their effort.
The coronavirus pandemic created new challenges for businesses as they adapt to an operating model in which working from home has become the ‘new normal. In addition, threat actors constantly change their strategies, tools, and techniques. When their attacks become less effective, they look for new weaknesses to expose and move to.
1Password for Linux turns one today. 🎂
Despite years of industry efforts to combat insider threats, malicious behavior can still sometimes be difficult to identify. As organizations work towards building a corporate cyber security culture, many have begun looking into zero-trust architectures to cover as many attack surfaces as possible. This action is a step in the right direction, but it also has the potential to raise fears and generate negative responses from employees.
Forward Networks is a winner in the 2022 Business Insights Excellence in Customer Service Awards. We are over the moon — because our customers are our top priority. Our platform addresses unprecedented network complexity by collecting configuration and state data for all devices in the network and indexing it in a vendor-agnostic way.
Included by Gartner in 2021 as a major cybersecurity category and an emerging product, the External Attack Surface Management (EASM) term might be new. Still, the idea behind it is nothing new: identifying risks coming from internet-facing assets that an organization may be unaware of. A few companies, including Detectify, have been highlighting the importance of the attack surface and understanding the potential risks of the constantly-changing environment.
0:00 Introduction
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