Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance


Comprehensive Risk-based API Protection

Comprehensive Risk-baed API Protection: Inappropriate API protection keeps your company at a high level of risk. AppTrana protects web apps and APIs by addressing advanced threats with absolute precision. Operating in a risk-based approach enables unparalleled visibility of how your web apps and APIs are attacked. Watch: How AppTrana discovers and automatically protects all digital touchpoints with WAAP Security.

SharePoint Online Security - Best Practice Guide for MSPs

Despite the tight security services provided by Microsoft, we know how frequently SMEs' Office 365 is breached, either intentionally by hackers or inadvertently by carelessness. In such a scenario, it makes us wonder, can we fully trust Microsoft to protect us from mal actors in 2022?? The simple answer is yes. The complicated answer is: Microsoft is as secure as WE configure it. Does that make you uneasy?

Establishing a mobile device vulnerability management program

The introduction of mobile devices has rapidly changed the world as we know it, as these small gadgets that are intended to fit into the palm of our hands rapidly gained dominance over our day-to-day activities. Thanks to these portable devices, we now have access to an abundance of information available to us on demand with minimal effort.

What is Lateral Movement in cyber security? Different ways to prevent it

Lateral movement refers to the techniques that a cyber attacker uses. Once getting access to a corporate network, the attackers don’t stop there. They move around throughout the entire network, owning more computers and user accounts while exfiltrating data at the same time. They escalate their privileges to gain access to higher permissions and eventually access more confidential, critical and sensitive data.

GitOps and Shift Left Security: The Changing Landscape of DevSecOps

Application developers have always had a tricky balance to maintain between speed and security, two requirements that may often feel at odds with each other. Practices that increase speed also pressure development teams to ensure that vulnerable code is identified and remediated without slowing development. As companies embrace digital transformation initiatives, the need to weave better security into developers’ workflows has only grown clearer.

As the Cyber Threat Environment Escalates, How are Organizations Responding?

Globally, the cyber threat level to organizations remains high and the current situation only serves to highlight this further. To this point, any organization that has substantial gaps in its cybersecurity capabilities is operating at risk, and when the threat landscape changes, as it has now, so we become more aware of the vulnerabilities that we have carried for some time and the need for better Cyber Threat Intelligence.

SBOM 101 - All the questions you were afraid to ask Software Bill of Materials

During many recent security incidents, we hear a lot of messages about the lack of knowledge of the code dependencies, attacks to the software supply chain, Software Bill of Materials (SBOM), digital signatures, provenance, attestation, etc. The fact is, every time a new vulnerability appears in the landscape, we usually need to spend a lot of time and effort to detect the real impact on the applications and services that are running in our environment.