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Navigating the Supply Chain Security Maze with SBOMs

Security Magazine reported more than 2,200 daily cyberattacks, which translates to roughly one cyberattack occurring every 39 seconds! As these stakes in cybersecurity continue to reach higher and higher levels, it becomes even more crucial to emphasize securing the very bedrock of elements upon which our digital existence is built.

How to Ensure the Security of Mobile Gadgets

The security of our mobile gadgets is more important than ever due to the volume of mobile devices we carry, wear, and work with daily. Our mobile devices are a gold mine of apps that we rely on to protect our data and help us in our personal and work lives. Nevertheless, it is because of the vast amount of data and information we hold on these devices that makes them a target for cybercriminals.

An Introduction to Mobile App API Security

Mobile app security refers to the measures, protocols, and practices implemented to protect a mobile application, its data, and its users from unauthorized access, data breaches, vulnerabilities, and cyberattacks. This includes implementing encryption, authentication, access controls, secure coding practices, and regular security assessments to mitigate specific threats and risks to the mobile app and its ecosystem.

Beware of Fake iPhone 15 Upgrade Emails

With the new iPhone 15 release, scammers are taking advantage by impersonating mobile carriers or Apple support, claiming their target is eligible for a free or discounted iPhone upgrade. The scammer’s goal is to get their target to provide personal and financial information which is then used to attempt identity theft or make unauthorized charges. Read on to learn what signs to look out for and what to do if you fall victim to this iPhone 15 scam.

5G's role in telemedicine: The future is now

Healthcare and technology have always gone hand in hand. Telemedicine, which lets you talk to doctors without visiting them in person, is a great example. A few years back, it might have sounded like science fiction. But today, it's a regular part of many people's lives. In fact, data shows that 80% of people have used telemedical services at least once in their lives.

Could Your Parents Spot This Mobile Phish?

When was the last time you received a phishing attempt through text? I’m guessing it was earlier this week, if not at some point today. Being part of the cybersecurity community keeps us watchful and aware of the ways scammers try to steal our information. But how adept are our parents at spotting these scams? The dangers of online scams and mobile phishing are real and everywhere. Yet, many of our parents and grandparents are navigating this new form of deception without much understanding.