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January 2021

iOS App Security: 6 Ways How Apple Protects the User's Data

Apple loves bragging about how secure their devices are. Not without reason: there are lots of security features you probably use daily, including code autofill, password reuse auditing, Safari built-in privacy, and many more. Same for developers. For example, Apple doesn't release their source code to app developers for security reasons. And the owners of iOS devices can't modify the code on their phones themselves.

Ensure Everyday is Data Privacy Day

It’s no secret that the world has become more dependent on mobile technology. We can now pay our bills, shop for groceries and share photos with family with the tap of a finger. But this also means that our personal data is now more exposed than ever. On the bright side, we are collectively becoming more conscious about data privacy. In 2020, TikTok kick started an unexpected global discussion about what data apps collect and how they are used.

Mobile Security Best Practices for Law Firms

I write a lot about how organizations can secure their workers as they start using tablets and smartphones more for work. The truth is, the legal professional has been ahead of that curve for years. Even before smartphones were introduced over a decade ago, lawyers, paralegals and legal staff were already using cellphones to stay on top of case work. Now, with smartphones and tablets, your law firm’s staff can do everything they used to do in an office from wherever they go.

Be The Master of Your Encryption Keys

Over the past decade, we’ve seen a massive shift towards relying on cloud technologies for everything we do, from watching TV shows and movies to sharing photos. Organizations have done the same. To increase efficiency and availability, they have moved their data and workloads to the cloud. But in a world of expanding threats, it has become necessary to implement additional layers of security for cloud data, applications and services to ensure privacy remains a top priority.

Mobile interface make it easy scammers to phish you

With a smaller screen, developers are forced to create simplified interfaces on your tablets and smartphones. But this also makes it easy for scammers to hide telltale signs of a phishing link. Aaron Cockerill and Mike Banic of Lookout talks about why we're more vulnerable to phishing when using a mobile device.