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Online Identity Verification - Digitizing the Verification Process

Identity can be defined as the group of qualities and attributes that make one person unique from others. As a measurable and recordable set of features, identity is also comprehended in terms of the range of those measurable metrics so it can be saved on a system as a digital ID. Like all digital data, ID verification online is also a must to confirm ID to ensure the fraud-free operation and prove the person is who they claim to be.

AT&T Cybersecurity Insights Report: A Focus on Manufacturing

During the pandemic, many forward-thinking manufacturers took shifts in consumer demands and in-person work patterns as an opportunity to modernize their factory floors and operational infrastructure. Now as supply chain challenges and inflationary forces come to the fore, the entire industry will be called to continue their innovative investments to make manufacturing processes speedier, more efficient, and equipped to compete in a new era.

5 Steps for Building an Agile Identity and Access Management Strategy

Traditional identity and access management (IAM) implementation methods can’t provide enough flexibility, responsiveness, and efficiency. Indeed, many organizations struggle with developing a mature IAM program according to the State of Enterprise Identity report by the Ponemon Institute. Among the key reasons for this challenge cited by respondents in the report are a lack of employee awareness, an insufficient budget, and ineffective planning.

What's New in Teleport 10

This post introduces all the features released in Teleport 10. Teleport 10 includes version 10.0, 10.1, 10.2 and 10.3. You can always find an up-to-date status of Teleport releases in our docs. Teleport 10 is the biggest release so far in the history of Teleport in terms of feature sets. Before we dive into all the Teleport 10 features, let me first introduce you to...

How to Access Infrastructure Without Usernames and Passwords

A password is a secret, and a secret can be lost, stolen or traded on dark web marketplaces. Most engineers know this, that’s why every SSH tutorial begins with the instructions for disabling passwords and enabling private/public key pairs. But a private key is just another form of a secret. In this article, I will try to explain why all forms of secrets are bad for you.

The Developer's Guide to IaC Scanning

IaC (infrastructure as code) is the latest tool to transform the face of IT infrastructure – in a nutshell, it means managing and provisioning infrastructure through code instead of manual processes. IaC provides developers with a blueprint that allows them to create tools and provision infrastructure on-demand while staying in control, increasing efficiency, and maintaining consistency when deploying updates and changes.

A Deep Dive into Custom Spark Transformers for Machine Learning Pipelines

CrowdStrike data scientists often explore novel approaches for creating machine learning pipelines especially when processing a large volume of data. The CrowdStrike Security Cloud stores more than 15 petabytes of data in the cloud and gathers data from trillions of security events per day, using it to secure millions of endpoints, cloud workloads and containers around the globe with the power of machine learning and indicators of attack.

Buffer overflow attacks in C++: A hands-on guide

A buffer overflow is a type of runtime error that allows a program to write past the end of a buffer or array — hence the name overflow — and corrupt adjacent memory. Like most bugs, a buffer overflow doesn’t manifest at every program execution. Instead, the vulnerability is triggered under certain circumstances, such as unexpected user input.