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HTML File Attachments: Still A Threat

This past month, Trustwave SpiderLabs observed that HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) file attachments had become a common occurrence in our spam traps, which is not unusual since malware is often delivered through phishing spam. For the past 30 days, SpiderLabs has found the combination of.HTML (11.39%) and.HTM (2.7%) files are our second most spammed file attachment, totalling 14.09%, followed by.EXE files at 12.84%.

The Key Elements of Successful Security Transformation

Digital transformation has highlighted a shift in value from the traditional, on-prem, legacy IT environment and physical distribution channels to the value being created by the scale of (customer) data and the ability to deliver a personalized service to customers in a trusted, secure, and private way.

Elastic Wins 2022 CyberSecurity Breakthrough Award for Threat Intelligence Platform of the Year

We are excited to announce that Elastic has been honored with the 2022 CyberSecurity Breakthrough Award for Threat Intelligence Platform of the Year, recognizing the cutting-edge threat intelligence capabilities of Elastic Security, which enable organizations to better understand current and emerging threats and respond more quickly to adversaries.

Keeper Security Wins 2022 Cybersecurity Breakthrough Award for Privileged Access Management Solution of the Year

We are proud to announce that Keeper Security has been recognized as the 2022 Privileged Access Management Solution of the Year in the 6th annual Cybersecurity Breakthrough Awards. The Tech Breakthrough organization, a global market intelligence and recognition platform for innovative technology companies, conducts the awards program “to honor excellence and recognize the creativity, hard work and success of cybersecurity companies, technologies and products.”

How to Stay Safe Online While Traveling Abroad

Traveling abroad is exciting, but the possibility of having your data stolen is not. To stay safe online while traveling abroad you should be cautious of how much you share on social media, avoid public WiFi and more. Keep reading to learn how to stay safe online before and during that next big trip.

Securely Implementing IdP-initiated SAML2 Login

Security Assertion Markup Language 2.0, or more commonly known as SAML in the industry, is one of the most used protocols for single-sign-on on the modern web. It allows an application like Teleport to communicate with an upstream identity provider like Okta or Google Workspace to securely get trusted information about users when they log in, removing the need for sign-ups, log-ins and tying identities to people inside the application.

What is Cyber Risk Quantification? A Comprehensive Guide

As cybercriminals discover new ways to expand the threat landscape, cyber security professionals need to be able to predict their next move and stay ahead of evolving cyber threats. But in order to do so, businesses must be aware of their vulnerabilities, have a clear view of their cybersecurity posture, and have an understanding of their associated risks.

The 6 Biggest Challenges of REST API Testing

Securing REST APIs is particularly difficult since they are highly interconnected and not designed for manual access. To save time and be more efficient, many developers rely on testing solutions that can automatically detect REST API endpoints and test parameter properties within them. In this article, I want to provide an overview of the 6 biggest challenges of REST API security testing and how test automation can help resolve them.