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Difference between Network Monitoring and Network Security Monitoring

It seems like every other day; we hear about another company that has been hacked and its customers’ personal data compromised. In the wake of these incidents, it’s more important than ever for businesses to take steps to protect themselves from cyber-attacks. One way to do this is by implementing a network monitoring and security monitoring solution.

TripActions' Aaron Cooper: Why understanding broader company culture is critical to a security team's success

Aaron Cooper is the Security Operations Manager at TripActions with 20+ years of experience working in a variety of enterprise infrastructures. He specializes in managing and designing secure network environments to meet the needs of financial and corporate customers, managing security operations centers, and designing and implementing highly secure and available data networks while maintaining HIPAA, SOX, and PCI compliance.

Cybersecurity considerations for wearable tech

Ours truly is the great age of digital technology. Indeed, few of us can get through an ordinary day without engaging with some kind of digital device, whether we’re using them to communicate, research, work, bank, or even monitor our health. In many cases, the digital devices we use to make it through the day aren’t sitting on our desks and tethered to an electrical outlet.

Flexible, Edge-directed Meshes: Why SASE is the Future of Cybersecurity

The tectonic plates of network security are in motion. A wrenching transference from on-premises to cloud-centric data security systems is gaining steam. Security teams are engaged in pushing cybersecurity out to the far edges of a highly interconnected, widely dispersed digital environment; and at the same time, they must find smarter ways to dramatically improve cyber hygiene.

What is Social Engineering?

Social engineering is the psychological manipulation used to get others to do things or reveal private information. Between 70% and 90% of data breaches involve social engineering. Social engineering is currently one of the largest cybersecurity dangers facing both small and large enterprises. These “human hacking” techniques are commonly used in cybercrime to trick unwary users into disclosing information, dispersing malware infections or granting access to restricted systems.

Ransomware Losses Prompting Cyber Insurers to Raise Rates and Slash Coverage

The year 2021 had the dubious distinction of being the most prolific for ransomware on record, and the onslaught didn’t stop in 2022. It’s now estimated that every 14 seconds, a business falls victim to a ransomware attack. Ransomware attacks aren’t just happening more often.

Post-Exploitation Persistent Email Forwarder in Outlook Desktop

There is an exploitation method that can automatically forward emails CC’d to external addresses via an Outlook Desktop rule, even when this action is prevented on the corporate Exchange server. This can be a serious data exfiltration risk allowing post-exploitation persistence in a previously breached account. The legitimate email account owner is highly likely to be unaware of the creation of this rule.

Keeping Your Organization Secure with Limited SOC Resources

Organizations face a growing threat from cybercriminals while struggling to find qualified security professionals who can protect their infrastructure and sensitive data. This blog will explore the concept of a Security Operations Center (SOC) and the role of SOC analysts in securing your organization. We will also discuss how your organization can leverage automation to improve SOC effectiveness and fill in the gaps when you cannot support a full staff of security professionals.

Detectify continues consolidating its authority in G2's security categories

Detectify ranks as a Leader in Website Security, a category for tools designed to protect business websites from Internet-based threats. This recognition is awarded after factoring in social, web, employee, and review data that G2 has deemed influential in Detectify’s momentum. Besides ranking #1 on the Website Security podium, Detectify holds the first position in Alerting.

What Is Cybersecurity Awareness Month (NCSAM)?

Observed each October, National Cybersecurity Awareness Month (NCSAM) was first launched in a collaborative effort between the National Cyber Security Alliance (NCSA) and the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. Today, it continues to be an important collaboration between government and industry in the months up to and throughout October. Each year focuses on core themes to raise awareness about cybersecurity issues and explain what resources can help.