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Does working in cybersecurity pose risks to mental health?

Working in cybersecurity is stressful. You’re responsible for protecting businesses from cyberattacks which can put their profits and reputation at risk. So it’s unsurprising that working in cybersecurity poses problems for staff mental health. A huge 91% of cybersecurity professionals report feeling stressed in their role — and almost half of these said their work-related stress levels have increased over the last year. 45% have even considered quitting their jobs due to stress.

Is Cybersecurity Recession-Proof?

Spoiler alert: The answer is yes. But not in the way you might expect. Unless you live in an enchanted land where mermaids feed you healthy beer for breakfast, your security budget has probably shrunk recently. The good news is that this can be good news because determining with ruthless clarity the effectiveness (or ineffectiveness) of your cybersecurity program will help you take deliberate steps to improve it with an efficient spend.

What do financial services look for in an MSP?

Data and money are two of the key assets that any industry needs to protect, and this is particularly important for financial institutions. Defending financial services against cyberattacks can be managed internally by relying on the organization's own systems; however, relying on an external cybersecurity provider offers a number of advantages that make a difference in the event of an attack.

WDigest Clear-Text Passwords: Stealing More than a Hash

Digest Authentication is a challenge/response protocol that was primarily used in Windows Server 2003 for LDAP and web-based authentication. It utilizes Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) and Simple Authentication Security Layer (SASL) exchanges to authenticate. At a high level, a client requests access to something, the authenticating server challenges the client, and the client responds to the challenge by encrypting its response with a key derived from the password.

2022 Devo SOC Performance Report: Familiar Challenges Facing Security Workers

The fourth annual Devo SOC Performance ReportTM shows that issues facing organizations since the start of the global pandemic in early 2020 continue to affect SOC performance, including challenges in hiring and retaining SOC talent. Based on the independent survey of more than 1,000 global cybersecurity professionals commissioned by Devo and conducted in the Summer of 2022, the report examines current SOC trends and challenges. The good news?

Combat Ransomware with Zero Trust Data Security

Can’t see the forest through the trees. Can’t tell the ransomware from the apps. Can’t contain the malware if you can only see parts of the network. Ransomware hackers have several different tools in their toolbelt to gain access to a computer and then a network. Common exploits include email phishing campaigns, remote desktop protocol (RDP) vulnerabilities, and software vulnerabilities.

Why telemetry storage matters for cybersecurity organizations

Telemetry storage is vital to cybersecurity firms for security as well as for operational reasons. It also represents a significant cost which is why LimaCharlie offers a full year of free telemetry storage to our users. LimaCharlie also enables organizations to route their data at the event level which means they can drastically reduce storage costs by only sending relevant data to high-cost security tools like Splunk, Elastic, Sumo Logic, or other SIEM and data analytics solutions.

How to use Java DTOs to stay secure

Data Transfer Objects (DTOs) in Java are objects that transport data between subsystems. It is an enterprise design pattern to aggregate data. The main purpose is to reduce the number of system calls needed between the subsystems, reducing the amount of overhead created. In this article, I will explain how DTOs are used in modern Java applications, ways your application can benefit, and how Java DTOs can help you be more secure by preventing accidental data leaks.

Detect Fraud Sooner with the Splunk App for Fraud Analytics

It will not come as a surprise to you that fraud and financial crime is continuing to challenge organizational business and cyber resiliency plans. Odds are you have dealt with fraud firsthand, or know someone experiencing the pains caused by fraud. Back in 2020 we shared some thoughts about how we believe leveraging a data platform like Splunk can help you gain more anti-fraud value and insights from your data and showed how you can determine what your data is worth.

Covered Entities vs Non-Covered Entities Under HIPAA

The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) was enacted in 1996 and sets forth a comprehensive set of standards for protecting sensitive patient health information. The Privacy Rule applies to all entities that fall within the definition of a “covered entity“, which generally includes healthcare providers, health plans, and clearinghouses.