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36% of CISOs see the shortage of skilled workers as their key cybersecurity challenge

According to Cybersecurity Ventures, it is estimated that 3.5 million security analyst positions remain unfilled. It’s no surprise, then, that more than a third of CISOs find the skills shortage to be their primary challenge, according to the ThoughtLab study Cybersecurity Solutions for a Riskier World.

A Guide to LimaCharlie's Microsoft Integrations

LimaCharlie has multiple integrations that offer security teams greater visibility into Microsoft Windows. If you’re familiar with LimaCharlie, you probably know about some of these already. But over the past few months, we’ve added quite a bit to our catalog of capabilities. For this reason, we wanted to put together an updated guide to our most important Microsoft integrations.

Docker Container Security: Challenges and Best Practices

The containerization of software and applications continues to escalate, and although alternatives have emerged to challenge Docker, it continues to enjoy major adoption by developers for building and sharing software and apps. In 2022, Docker estimated that 44% of developers are using some form of continuous integration and development with Docker containers.

Five Tips for Data Breach Prevention

Data breaches are on the rise and they can be both unexpected and costly. The average estimated cost of a data breach has peaked at an all-time high—an astounding $4.35 million, according to a 2022 report by IBM and the Ponemon Institute. Poor password hygiene and legacy software are two key culprits that will increase your chances of falling victim to a password breach.

Significant Increase in Malicious Files Delivered via OneNote Attachments

Arctic Wolf has observed a significant increase in the number of malicious files delivered and opened via OneNote email attachments. Unlike malicious Word and Excel files, infected OneNote files do not require the security prompt asking the end-user to allow macros, thus increasing the chances of unknowingly running the malicious executable.

Four Reasons Vulnerabilities Remain Persistent

Vulnerabilities cause the majority of cybercrime. There are always new vulnerabilities appearing as software gets updated and as cyber criminals work behind the scenes to find new backdoors to organizations’ systems. In the first half of 2022 alone, 81% of incidents happened through an external exposure — either a known vulnerability or a remote desktop protocol. The sheer volume of vulnerabilities grew again in 2022, with over 25,000 recorded, and over 800 have been actively exploited.

The Role of Data Hygiene in the Security of the Energy Industry

We create massive amounts of data daily, from the exercise stats compiled by our wearable devices to smart meters used at our homes to reduce expense consumption to maintenance statistics of critical systems in industrial settings. If data creation continues at its present rate, more than a yottabyte (a million trillion megabytes) will likely be generated annually by 2030.

Vulnerability scanning tools: What are they and how should they be used?

Part of the challenge of creating a robust security posture is collecting the right toolbox full of tools and services. There’s a wide world out there full of tools that can enhance your security, but one of the most productive types of tools every organization needs is a vulnerability scanning tool. To help you navigate these types of tools and recognize how they fit into your information security system, we’re taking a closer look at these tools and how they work. ‍

Email Security Threats 2023

Here are some of the most common email security threats you need to be aware of in 2023: Here are some common examples of phishing scams: It’s important to be cautious when receiving emails, especially if they contain requests for personal information or ask you to click on a link. Always verify the sender and the authenticity of the email before providing any information or clicking on a link.

Business Email Compromise Threats

Here are some of the most common BEC threats that businesses need to be aware of: To protect against these and other BEC threats, it’s important for businesses to take the following steps: In conclusion, BEC attacks are a growing threat to businesses of all sizes. To protect against these attacks, it’s important to be aware of the dangers and to take proactive measures to secure your email accounts.