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How AI Impacts Security at SMEs

For small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), staying abreast of cybersecurity developments is critical — not just to growth, but to the company’s bottom line. But security evolves quickly, and it can be hard to keep up. In the midst of this fast-evolving security environment, AI has made a bold entrance. So bold, in fact, that only 10% of SMEs aren’t using AI and don’t plan to, according to a recent JumpCloud research report.

Sysdig Sage for CDR: Accelerate analysis, investigation and response

Last year, Sysdig outlined our vision for an AI-driven cloud security assistant. Today, we are excited to announce Sysdig Sage for cloud detection and response (CDR), our new release that embodies our vision. Built upon the core principles we introduced, Sysdig Sage offers actionable insights for cloud environments, with a focus on CDR.

Utilizing Zenity's Security Suite to Detect and Mitigate AI Vulnerabilities in Real-Time

AI has completely changed how we live, work and play. With its unparalleled efficiency, ongoing learning abilities and its detailed precision, it makes short work out of what used to be more complex and cumbersome tasks. Although AI systems are incredibly powerful and only growing in capacity and scale, they’re not without their challenges. Like other types of programs and infrastructures, AI is not immune to vulnerabilities and security issues.

How I Use a Password Manager as a College Student

Since starting my internship at Keeper Security, I’ve had the opportunity to enter into the world of cybersecurity, particularly surrounding the role of password management. This eye-opening experience has not only educated me on the dangers of an unprotected online presence, but it’s also encouraged me to follow cybersecurity best practices in my personal and academic life.

Preventing Data Breaches in User-Developed AI Applications on Low-Code Platforms

As more and more companies adopt low-code platforms and launch AI applications, the need for proper data security has never been greater. While it’s true that low-code platforms give users the freedom to develop powerful AI solutions with minimal programming knowledge or experience, this same level of flexibility also inadvertently exposes applications to potential data breaches.

Unified API Protection: What It Is & How It Helps Secure API Landscape

Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) are the connecting tissue that enables the communication between applications, internal and external, and facilitate data exchange on a massive scale. In a world where information is the crown jewel of an organization, APIs are driving the delivery of digital services to customers and partners. While their usage is already exploding, the growing popularity of cloud-native technologies and microservices has only accelerated API adoption.