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SBOM Attestation by 3PAOs: Everything You Need to Know

In the past, we’ve written a lot about FedRAMP certification and the way the Ignyte platform can help you with record-keeping and the overall process. We’ve largely glossed over the role that the third-party assessment organization plays, hand-waving it as a relationship you build between your chosen 3PAO and your own organization. As a certified 3PAO, however, we do have a unique insight into this process.

TrustCloud Product Updates: June 2024

Expanded support for multi business units, locations, and products. With multiple segments support across TrustCloud, you can develop and visualize your GRC requirements across business units, locations, and products. You can segment responsibilities and determine hierarchical impact through transparent parent-child relationships.

How 360 Cameras Usher in a New Era of Trucking Safety

In the ever-growing transportation field, driver and fleet protection remains paramount. The trucking industry is constantly seeking ways to mitigate risks and ensure the well-being of drivers, passengers, and fellow road users. There were 13.86 million single-unit and combination trucks registered in 2021, as per the American Trucking Association. It represents 5% of all motor vehicles registered.
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Six steps to protecting data in financial services companies

There is no shortage of news headlines about companies falling victim to cyber breaches and the astounding costs associated with them. According to the IBM Cost of a Data Breach Report 2023, the global average cost of a data breach in 2023 was $4.45 million, a 15% increase since 2020. For the financial services industry, the cost is even higher at $5.9 million per breach; that is 28% above the global average.

Data Blizzard Hits LA Schools: Students data stolen in Snowflake Hack

In a recent development that has raised concerns across the education sector, Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) has confirmed a significant data breach involving student information. The breach, linked to a hack of the district’s Snowflake account, has exposed sensitive data pertaining to students and employees enrolled in the sprawling district. Snowflake is a cloud database platform used by companies worldwide to store their data.

Cybersecurity's Next Frontier: SEC's Game Plan for a More Secure Financial World

In 2023 alone, there were over 3,200 reported cyberattacks, with over 350 million victims in the United States. That’s not to mention the undetected or failed attacks by these cybercriminals, both external and internal, to get access to sensitive data and customers’ Personal Identifiable Information (PII).

Why outdated access control is putting your data at risk

Imagine this: you wake up to a notification – your company has suffered a data breach. Fear sets in as you think about what this means: customer data exposed, your company’s reputation damaged, and big fines on the horizon. In today’s digital landscape, this scenario is too common. Organizations worldwide face penalties for non-compliance with regulations, such as fines of up to $50,000 per incident for violating HIPAA.

Securing Your Wealth: How Cybersecurity Affects Investment Decisions

The frequency and sophistication of cyber threats make cybersecurity a critical factor in any company. Therefore, investors should be more vigilant, recognizing that a company’s cybersecurity posture can significantly impact its financial health and stability. This article highlights the need for robust cybersecurity strategies and how these can determine investment decisions.

PIPEDA Compliance Guide

The Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA) is a Canadian data privacy law that governs how private sector organizations collect, use, and disclose personal information when conducting commercial activities. By setting strict requirements for private businesses, PIPEDA ensures that individuals and customers have control over how their data is managed.