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How To Use Tanium To Respond to the Australian PSPF Direction 002-2024 (Technology Stocktake)

On July 8, 2024, Australian Home Affairs Secretary Stephanie Foster issued a series of formal directions under the Protective Security Policy Framework (PSPF) instructing each federal government body to identify and mitigate potential cyber risks amidst rising concerns for foreign interference.

SASE: Your Secret Weapon to Mastering DORA Compliance

A lot has happened since the 2008 financial crisis and credit crunch, including a significant increase in cloud app adoption in financial services and a rise in cyber attacks targeting those apps. To keep the financial sector safe and secure, the EU introduced new rules. Initially, these regulations focused on ensuring banks had enough capital to handle financial problems. However, as cyberattacks became a bigger threat, the EU recognised the need for additional measures.

The Role of PCBs in Cybersecurity

As fraudsters are continuously finding new ways to strike, we’re continuously finding new ways to prevent them with controls such as encryption, multi-factor authentication, fraud detection software, etc. But not everyone is aware that it all begins with how electronic devices are designed. With the way Printed Circuit Boards (PCBs) are laid out and built, to be precise. This assembly is far more important for cybersecurity than you might think.

Take Action Now on NIS2 Directive

It’s time to ‘Have Your Say’ on the future of cybersecurity regulations in the European Union. The draft implementing regulation for the NIS2 Directive is now open for public feedback through the ‘Have Your Say’ portal until July 25, 2024. This consultation period allows stakeholders to contribute to refining the regulation, with all feedback shaping the final regulations.

The Importance of Know Your Business (KYB) in the Fintech World

In the dynamic and rapidly evolving fintech industry, regulatory compliance and risk management are crucial for maintaining trust and ensuring sustainability. One critical component of this regulatory framework is the Know Your Business (KYB) process. KYB involves verifying the legitimacy and credentials of business clients and partners, ensuring they are who they claim to be, and assessing their potential risks. In the fintech world, KYB is essential for mitigating fraud, ensuring compliance with regulations, and fostering a trustworthy ecosystem.

Streamline Compliance and Strengthen Data Protection Using Netskope's Integration with the ChatGPT Enterprise Compliance API

In the ever-evolving landscape of AI, maintaining compliance standards and ensuring secure usage of generative AI applications remains an important priority for enterprises. Across the globe, regulatory frameworks like the European Union’s AI Act have been established to ensure that AI systems are developed and deployed in a manner that prioritizes safety, transparency, ethics, and fundamental rights.

How to de-risk patching third party software packages

There are several steps your organization must take to protect itself from potentially exploitable packages. First, you’ll need to carefully review and triage the package vulnerabilities that present risk to your organization, then you’ll need to patch each one. Patching a package may sound easy, but doing so without breaking your product can be tricky. ‍ Before patching, you may review the changelog between versions. Opening the changelog, however, could further the patch dread.

How to Improve Compliance with Multilingual Cybersecurity Resource

Cybersecurity matters a lot today, and it touches everyone around the globe. With hackers becoming smarter, protecting information has never been more critical. Now, imagine trying to stay safe online but not understanding the warnings because they’re not in your language. That’s where multilingual cybersecurity comes into play – it breaks down language barriers so everyone can understand how to protect themselves.

5 Common Challenges (and Solutions) to Achieving CMMC Compliance

Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification (CMMC) is a comprehensive program to enforce conformance with the NIST 800-171 security controls for non-government organizations handling Federal Contract Information (FCI) and Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI). The program has a three tiered requirements structure based on the nature and sensitivity of information an organization handles.

What is Protected Health Information (PHI)? And why is it important?

“Safeguarding personal health information (PHI) is governed under the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA).” Protecting identifiable health data is the responsibility of everyone who comes into contact with it, including covered entities. Healthcare providers, health plan companies, school districts not covered under FERPA, universities, employers, and federal, state, and local government agencies are mandated to protect PHI data from any security risk.