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HIPAA Email Security: A Guide for Healthcare Organizations

This article is a must-read guide on email security in healthcare. It analyzes the regulatory complexities of HIPAA, outlines practical strategies for secure communications, and sheds insights into why your healthcare organization may need to take action. By the end of reading this guide, you’ll be able to make informed choices regarding your email practices.

8 Steps to Navigating Cybersecurity Data Compliance

Cybersecurity compliance is complicated. As industry standards change and evolve with new technology, so do compliance requirements. Depending on your organization’s operations, industry, or even location, compliance could mean adhering to multiple frameworks and reporting to multiple governing bodies. In fact, 67% of organizations surveyed by Arctic Wolf follow between one to three sets of guidelines.

Cost, convenience, and compliance: The value for insurers of the Forrester Total Economic Impact Study

The growing sophistication of threat actors, supply chain disruptions, and the potential for systemic and catastrophic losses make for a precarious landscape for insurers and those seeking insurance. To help customers reduce risk at scale, insurers and brokers must adopt technology in order to visualize vulnerabilities while also forecasting, quantifying, and monitoring risks.

Breaking Compliance into Bite-Sized Portions

Many companies strive to achieve the best security possible. Along the path to improved security, many companies are also required to meet various compliance standards. In some cases, compliance is also a regulatory requirement. This crossroad between security and compliance can sometimes seem at odds with the organization’s goals. Compliance does not always equal security.

Best cyber security companies in Dubai

In an age where cyber-attacks are a constant threat, the importance of cybersecurity has gained importance for individuals and organizations alike to secure their digital assets and protect sensitive information as hackers use increasingly advanced methods to get through security measures to steal private information.

Understanding Zero Trust Network Access and Why Needs It

As flexible working arrangements become increasingly common across every industry, companies need secure, dependable ways to grant remote employees online access to company data, services, and applications. Productivity in today’s highly digital business environment depends upon employees being able to access the systems and information they need for work when needed, from any location.

StateRAMP vs FedRAMP: What's The Difference Between Them?

Here at Ignyte, we’ve talked a lot about FedRAMP, the Federal Risk and Authorization Management Program. As you likely well know, FedRAMP is the federal government’s unified security standard, derived from NIST standardization documents and transformed into a framework to provide a cohesive idea of security across disparate government organizations and contractors. You might wonder, how does this work with state-level agencies and departments?

Five Key Achievements in EU Digital Policy: An Actionable Overview for Corporate Leaders

Digital compliance has become a significant focus for any organisation providing or consuming digital products and services in Europe. With the continuous evolution of digital technology, businesses increasingly struggle to stay on the right side of the law and operate resiliently. So, strategic navigation is crucial.