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Vulnerability Prioritization - Combating Developer Fatigue

We are in early 2023, and we have over 2700 new vulnerabilities registered in CVE. It is still a challenge for developers to endure the fatigue of continually vulnerability prioritization and mitigating new threats. Our findings in the Sysdig 2023 Cloud-Native Security and Container Usage Report provide signs of hope for overburdened developers, as the data showed opportunities to focus remediation efforts on vulnerable packages loaded at runtime.

How to find and fix jQuery vulnerabilities

Using an outdated jQuery library can open up your web application to vulnerabilities. Read more to find out how to find and fix jQuery vulnerabilities. jQuery is among the oldest JavaScript libraries available online. It simplifies your coding and is used by countless websites. But there is an inherent danger that lies with outdated jQuery libraries: they are vulnerable to risks such as cross-site scripting.

OWASP Top 10: Cryptographic failures

Listed as #2 on the OWASP Top 10 list, cryptographic failures expose sensitive data due to a lack of or weak encryption. Many of the web and mobile applications you use daily require you to input sensitive information. Cryptography offers tools that can be used to safeguard sensitive data and securely transfer it across the internet. Cryptography is powerful but it must be used properly to be effective.

OWASP API1: 2019 - Broken Object Level Authorization

Are you leaving your APIs vulnerable to attacks? OWASP revealed that Broken Object Level Authorization is among the top 10 most critical API security risks list. It is number 1 on OWASP API Top 10, 2019. Even large companies like Facebook, Uber, and Verizon, with thousands of engineers and dedicated security teams, have experienced BOLA attacks. Before diving into Broken Object Level Authorization, here are a few terms you’ll need to be familiar with.

Prevent Inadvertent Software Supply Chain Exposures When Allowing Public Access to Private Registries

At JFrog, we’re serious about software supply chain security. As a CVE Numbering Authority, our JFrog Security Research team regularly discovers and discloses new malicious packages and vulnerabilities posing a threat to development organizations. We know that in order to deliver trusted software on demand, you must have a secure software supply chain — making security a priority in everything we do.

CSPRNG: Random algorithms need security too!

If I throw a coin high up in the air, I know the outcome — it will either be heads or tails. However, I can’t predict which it will be. I will certainly be able to guess with a 50% chance, but I can’t be 100% certain. If I were to roll a die, my certainty becomes less (1 in 6). However, I still know what the output could be. Computers are great at many things, especially predictability. They are deterministic and creating a truly random number is impossible.

OpenSSH Pre-Auth Double Free CVE-2023-25136 - Writeup and Proof-of-Concept

OpenSSH’s newly released version 9.2p1 contains a fix for a double-free vulnerability. Given the severe potential impact of the vulnerability on OpenSSH servers (DoS/RCE) and its high popularity in the industry, this security fix prompted the JFrog Security Research team to investigate the vulnerability. This blog post provides details on the vulnerability, who is affected, and a proof-of-concept to trigger it causing a Denial of Service (DoS).