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AWS top 10 misconfigurations and how to fix them: A cheat sheet

Amazon Web Services (AWS) remains the dominant cloud provider, with 40.8% of the market share. Many enterprises and organizations today have some, if not most, of their infrastructure on Amazon Web Services. AWS helps organizations accelerate their digital transformations and innovate faster, but there are common misconfigurations when moving to AWS.

New language-specific Snyk Top 10 for open source vulnerabilities

Developers use open source code because it facilitates fast development. In fact, the vast majority of code in modern applications is open source. But just like any other code, open source libraries are open to vulnerabilities that can negatively affect a wide range of end-user products. So with widespread usage of open source, it's important for teams to be aware of the risks that can be hidden in the libraries they use.

Examining OpenSSH Sandboxing and Privilege Separation - Attack Surface Analysis

The recent OpenSSH double-free vulnerability – CVE-2023-25136, created a lot of interest and confusion regarding OpenSSH’s custom security mechanisms – Sandbox and Privilege Separation. Until now, both of these security mechanisms were somewhat unnoticed and only partially documented. The double-free vulnerability raised interest for those who were affected and those controlling servers that use OpenSSH.

Preventing XSS in Django

Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) is a type of vulnerability that involves manipulating user interaction with a web application to compromise a user's browser environment. These vulnerabilities can affect many web apps, including those built with modern frameworks such as Django. Since XSS attacks are so prevalent, it's essential to safeguard your applications against them. This guide discusses how XSS vulnerabilities originate in Django apps and what you can do to mitigate them.

Human Error Results in Leaked SF-86 Forms

The United States Department of Defense (DoD) discovered in February that one of its servers had been sharing U.S. military emails openly on the internet for over two weeks without anyone noticing. This vulnerability affected U.S. Special Operations Command and other DoD customers. Shockingly, plain-text email conversations were exposed and accessible to anyone who knew the IP address of the unsecured server.

Top Changes in the OWASP API Security Top 10 2023RC

The OWASP API project has recently decided to refresh the popular API Security Top 10 threat map. The team at Salt Security has always been actively involved in this project, having been a key contributor to the initial creation of the list. And we continue to be deeply involved in the thinking process, data gathering, and brainstorming in updating it. As of the writing of this post, the final version of API Security Top 10 2023 has not been officially released.

Top 11 Vulnerability Assessment Companies You Need To Know

The process of detecting, analyzing, and prioritizing vulnerabilities found through vulnerability assessments is an essential part of maintaining cyber security. Cyber security assessment services that provide vulnerability assessments are highly sought after with the increasing number of threats in the cyber world.

Critical RCE Vulnerability in FortiOS & FortiProxy (CVE-2023-25610)

On Tuesday, March 7, 2023, Fortinet published a security advisory detailing an unauthenticated remote code execution vulnerability affecting FortiOS and FortiProxy (CVE-2023-25610). The vulnerability was internally discovered by Fortinet, and exploitation has not been observed in the wild at this time. A proof of concept (PoC) exploit has not been published publicly for this vulnerability at this time.