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New Malware Attributed to Russian Hacking Group APT28

Late last year, the Computer Emergency Response Team of Ukraine (CERT-UA) released an advisory that reported cyberattacks targeting Ukrainian state organizations attributed to the Kremlin-backed nation-state group APT28, aka Fancy Bear/Sofacy. The advisory listed the use of a new backdoor named “OCEANMAP,” detailed in this whitepaper.

TODDLERSHARK: ScreenConnect Vulnerability Exploited to Deploy BABYSHARK Variant

The Kroll CTI team observed a campaign using a new malware that appears to be very similar to BABYSHARK, previously reported to have been developed and used by the APT group Kimsuky (KTA082). The malware was deployed as part of an attempted compromise that was detected and stopped by the Kroll Responder team. The activity started with exploitation of a recently addressed authentication bypass in the remote desktop software ScreenConnect, developed by ConnectWise.

Proactive Strategies to Prevent Ransomware Attacks

In today’s digital age, ransomware attacks have emerged as one of the most formidable threats to organizations worldwide. These malicious software attacks encrypt files on a device, rendering them inaccessible to users, and demand a ransom for decryption keys. The impact of ransomware can be devastating, leading to significant financial losses, operational downtime, and reputational damage.

How Weak Passwords Lead to Ransomware Attacks

Weak passwords can lead to ransomware attacks because they can be easily compromised through password-cracking techniques, allowing cybercriminals to gain access to an organization’s network where they can then inject ransomware. Often, when people think of the causes of ransomware infections, their first thought is it was caused by a phishing email.

The Anatomy of an ALPHA SPIDER Ransomware Attack

Over the last two years, CrowdStrike Services has run several incident response (IR) engagements — in both pre- and post-ransomware situations — in which different ALPHA SPIDER affiliates demonstrated novel offensive techniques coupled with more commonly observed techniques. The events described in this blog have been attributed to ALPHA SPIDER affiliates by CrowdStrike Counter Adversary Operations.

Qilin Ransomware: Get the 2024 Lowdown

Qilin operates as an affiliate program for Ransomware-as-a-Service, employing a Rust-based ransomware to target victims. Qilin ransomware attacks are often tailored for each victim to maximize their impact, utilizing tactics like altering filename extensions of encrypted files and terminating specific processes and services.

Busting the SugarLocker Syndicate: Syndicate's Secrets and Takedown Tactics

Sugarlocker Summary On February 23, 2022, the operator linked to the SugarLocker ransomware, utilizing the pseudonym "gustavedore," was conspicuously seeking new partnerships on the Dark Web. SugarLocker operates through a highly flexible Ransomware-as-a-Service (RaaS) framework, facilitating extensive customization for its users in the clandestine corners of the Dark Web.