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LESLIELOADER - Undocumented Loader Observed

Kroll observed the use of SPARKRAT in conjunction with a previously undocumented loader written in Golang. The loader assists in the initial infection and deployment of the malicious payload, enabling SPARKRAT to execute on a system. This process allows the payload to reach the target system undetected and unquarantined. The loader achieves its goal by decoding and decrypting a secondary payload binary, then injecting it into a notepad.exe instance.


In 2022 alone, there was a staggering 70% increase in malicious events across all public clouds. And cybercriminals are specifically targeting one of the most critical assets of any organization - its data. According to an 2023 IBM report, 82% of breaches involved data stored in the cloud. So this begs the question, which tools do defenders have at their disposal to address these mounting threats?

GitHub "besieged" by malware repositories and repo confusion: Why you'll be ok

As open source software development continues to evolve, so does its susceptibility to cybersecurity threats. One such instance is the recent discovery of malware repositories on GitHub. In this cybersecurity attack, threat actors managed to upload malicious code onto GitHub, a platform that hosts millions of code repositories and is used by developers worldwide.

GuLoader Downloaded: A Look at the Latest Iteration

GuLoader stands out as a prominent downloader founded on shellcode that has been used in many attacks aimed at spreading a diverse array of highly sought-after malware strains. For over three years, GuLoader has maintained its activity and is continuously evolving through ongoing development efforts. The latest iteration introduces novel anti-analysis techniques, making its analysis extremely difficult.

FBI's 2023 Internet Crime Report Highlights Alarming Trends on Ransomware

The specter of cybercrime continues to grow, with losses soaring to $12.5 billion in 2023, according to the recently released Internet Crime Report by the FBI's Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3). The revelations underline an alarming surge in cybercrime, affecting both business and personal interests alike, with the main attack vectors being investment fraud, business email compromises and an increased surge of ransomware attacks on nearly every critical infrastructure sector.

7 Ways to Quickly Detect Malicious Websites

Navigating the internet today can be a minefield. With the rise of malicious websites, customers and employees must now think twice before clicking on unfamiliar links or sites. Attackers often try to spoof and ‘brandjack’ well-reputed organizations and lure users into giving away personal info, money or letting hackers into their systems.

AI and Ransomware Top the List of Mid-Market IT Cyber Threats

A recent report reveals a significant discrepancy in the priorities of mid-market IT departments when it comes to addressing cyber threats. It's somewhat ironic that IT professionals find themselves entangled in a logical paradox when responding to surveys, as demonstrated by Node4’s Mid-Market IT Priorities Report 2024.

Lockbit Disrupted: Ransomware Trends Update

Faced with year-on-year rising attack figures, law enforcement have struggled to adapt to the immense task of preventing ransomware and cyber extortion. By tracking and analysing attacker reported victim data, we seek to explore the significance of Lockbit’s recent takedown in the context of prior disruption efforts.

New Malware Attributed to Russian Hacking Group APT28

Late last year, the Computer Emergency Response Team of Ukraine (CERT-UA) released an advisory that reported cyberattacks targeting Ukrainian state organizations attributed to the Kremlin-backed nation-state group APT28, aka Fancy Bear/Sofacy. The advisory listed the use of a new backdoor named “OCEANMAP,” detailed in this whitepaper.