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The Top 10 Manufacturing Industry Cyber Attacks

It’s no secret that the manufacturing industry has found themselves in the crosshairs of threat actors in recent years. With a low tolerance for downtime, international operational footprints, and servers full of valuable information, these organizations represent riches for ransomware gangs and individual hackers alike.

Understanding Serialization Attacks: Risks, Examples, and Prevention

Serialization is the process of converting data structures or object states into a format that can be easily stored, transmitted, or reconstructed later. While serialization facilitates data maintenance and communication between different systems, it also introduces security risks. Serialization attacks exploit vulnerabilities in the serialization process to manipulate data, execute arbitrary code, or gain unauthorized access to systems.

What is Clickjacking? - Types, Examples and Prevention

Clickjacking, also known as UI redress attack or user interface (UI) manipulation, is a malicious technique used to trick users into clicking on elements of a web page without their knowledge or consent. By overlaying transparent or opaque layers on legitimate web content, attackers can trick users into performing unintended actions, such as clicking on hidden buttons or links.

The Weakest Link: Securing The Human Element From Cyberattack

As humans, we tend to trust the people around us in most situations simply by default. We usually don’t assume that the cook in a restaurant will poison our food or that the pharmacist will intentionally swap our medications, and for good reason. One of humanity’s superpowers, which allows all civilization to function, is cooperation. Being suspicious of everyone around you isn’t only exhausting, but it grinds society to a halt.

Software Supply Chain Attacks: Notable Examples and Prevention Strategies

Supply chain attack is a kind of cyberattack which targets the network that is made up of suppliers, vendors, contractors and other business partners that organizations rely on to provide goods and services. As opposed to directly attacking a target organization’s systems or infrastructure, attackers use supply chain vulnerabilities to gain unauthorized access or compromise the integrity of products or services.

A10 Defend Threat Control: DDoS Defense Reimagined

An addition to the A10 Defend suite has arrived. A10 Defend Threat Control, a necessary and proactive DDoS intelligence SaaS platform, is here to establish and amplify your holistic DDoS defense system. Backed by A10’s proprietary “zero-atrophy” data gathering and validation method, Threat Control provides actionable insights and proactively establishes a first layer of defense for your DDoS protection needs.