Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance

August 2024

On-Prem and Kubernetes: A delicate relationship

In cloud security, context is everything. In the previous two installments of our Customers Care Chronicles, we wrote about how a security vendor needs to be a true business partner and the potential headaches when migrating tools in the cloud. In this installment, we tackle another non-security concept that happens to be crucial for security: environment.

Easy and Affordable Marketing for MSPs

Sales and marketing are common challenges for MSPs. In fact, 24% of MSPs say acquiring new clients is their number one problem. 29% say it’s competition. As an MSP, getting your name out there and differentiating yourself is a constant challenge. Most MSPs start out with word-of-mouth marketing, which works great — until it doesn’t. Referral-based marketing is limited in scope. Before long, you’ll find yourself faced with diminishing returns. So, what’s next?

Tips to optimize and secure Azure Functions

Organizations whose IT infrastructure relies heavily on Microsoft will often adopt Azure Functions as part of their cloud modernization strategy. Azure Functions is an on-demand serverless solution that enables you to build and deploy event-driven code without worrying about provisioning and managing infrastructure. Azure Functions offers simplified development and deployment, automatic scaling, and seamless integration with other Azure services all within a cost-efficient pay-for-what-you-use model.

Why identities are the new perimeter in the cloud

In the ever-expanding world of cloud computing, one thing has become glaringly clear: identities are no longer just user profiles—they are the keys to the kingdom. As businesses race to harness the power of the cloud, they must also confront a growing menace: the risk posed by poorly managed identities. Imagine leaving your front door unlocked in a neighborhood known for break-ins — that’s what weak identity management is like in the cloud.

What Is SaaS Sprawl? How to Manage It

Think of a cluttered desk, but on a digital scale. Businesses rely on hundreds of cloud-based, third-party Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) applications. Over a quarter (28%) of SME employees require 11 or more tools to manage the worker lifecycle. From the end user perspective, this isn’t a bad thing at all. Why not? SaaS applications are easy to activate, often coming with free editions or low-cost versions that accomplish a specialized task.

ThreatQuotient Launches ThreatQ Platform Availability in AWS Marketplace

ThreatQuotient announces that its leading Threat Intelligence Platform (TIP) is now available in AWS Marketplace, a digital catalog with thousands of software listings from independent software vendors that make it easy to find, test, buy, and deploy software that runs on Amazon Web Services (AWS).

Enhanced Data Security and Regulatory Compliance With AWS Cloud + Protegrity

Protegrity is proud to partner with AWS, offering businesses like yours the integrations you need to start protecting data at the field level. With precision data protection through Protegrity and AWS, companies can start meeting regulatory compliance standards outlined with PCI DSS, GDPR, Nacha, or other compliance requirements. With regulatory compliance standards met, businesses can unlock opportunities in improved cloud migration, AI, advanced analytics, reputation management, and more. See how Protegrity’s data protection and partnership with AWS can take your organization to the next level.

JumpCloud Announces Support for AWS Workspaces

The slow and steady progression of technology has transformed the way we work (and think about work) in so many exciting ways. The past few decades have opened new opportunities to create, automate, and manage just about everything that might exist within the IT ecosystem… but sometimes that progression creates complexity and conflict, as new technology solutions clash with existing standards and operations.

CTEM step-by-step guide | Stage one: Scoping

Welcome to our blog series on Continuous Threat Exposure Management (CTEM), where we dig into the five essential stages of implementing a robust CTEM program. Coined by Gartner in 2022, CTEM is a powerful process that can help continuously manage cyber hygiene and risk across your online environment. It’s also a lot to think about when you’re starting out, so it helps to break things down. Our series begins with the crucial first stage: Scoping.

The Problem with Disjointed Cloud Migration Journeys

Organizations start their cloud migration journey with high hopes for more speed, agility, and innovation. But often, these hopes fall short. Instead of achieving a seamless, cloud-powered enterprise, companies end up with fragmented cloud projects, data security risks, and unpredictable spending. This scattered approach can stall cloud initiatives and prevent organizations from fully benefiting from the cloud. Let’s take a look at some of the impacts and risks.

Comprehensive Guide to Cyber Insurance for MSPs

Cybercrime is as lucrative as ever, generating millions in illicit revenues for threat actors. Between 2021 and 2023, global data breaches rose by 72%, breaking all previous records. Meanwhile, data breach costs continue to rise. The average cost of an enterprise data breach in 2024 is $4.88 million — another all-time high. This puts managed service providers (MSPs) in a tight position. Cyber liability insurance can help reduce exposure to steep losses associated with cyberattacks.

Cloud identity insights - Detect at the edge in real time

Cloud attacks strike fast. Prevention used to be enough, but not anymore. And legacy EDR tools fall short because they lack visibility into cloud identities and behavior. Defenders need the ability to detect at the edge - in real time - and correlate early stage identity behavior to see what's happening fast.

Essential Features to Look for in a Data Management as a Service Solution

Today, organizations face more data than ever. Efficient data management is vital for success and compliance. This is where Data Management as a Service (DMaaS) steps in. These data service solutions simplify data management. They allow businesses to manage data without big in-house setups. However, choosing the right DMaaS solution can be tricky. So, what should you look for? Here are the key features.

Cloud Security And Privacy: Best Practices To Mitigate The Risks

Cloud security refers to technologies, best practices, and safety guidelines that help to protect your data from human errors, insider and security threats. Therefore, it naturally covers a wide range of procedures, which are aimed at securing systems from data breaches, data loss, unauthorized access, and other cybersecurity-related risks that are growing from year to year.

How Are SMEs Approaching IT Security?

Security remains a thorny issue for small- to medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), consistently topping the list of challenges for IT professionals in JumpCloud’s biannual SME IT Trends survey. In our latest edition, IT pros shared their real-world experiences and strategies around security, among other pressing topics. This blog will dive into those insights to reveal how SMEs are tackling the security landscape today.

Common Trends in the MSP Industry

The managed service provider (MSP) landscape is experiencing rapid evolution as businesses increasingly rely on external IT support. To gain valuable insights into the industry’s current state, we interviewed Bill Hammelman of CCP Tech and Bill Hughes of Weehooey as part of the JumpCloud Partner Success Interview series. This blog post delves into common trends and challenges faced by MSPs based on their expertise.

Cloud Server vs. Physical Server: Which One is Better?

In the ever-evolving landscape of business technology, companies are faced with a crucial decision - should they opt for the cloud or maintain their own physical servers? Both options hold distinct advantages, making the choice a complex one that requires careful consideration.

NIST's first post-quantum standards

On August 13th, 2024, the US National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) published the first three cryptographic standards designed to resist an attack from quantum computers: ML-KEM, ML-DSA, and SLH-DSA. This announcement marks a significant milestone for ensuring that today’s communications remain secure in a future world where large-scale quantum computers are a reality.

AWS Migration Made Secure: How CrowdStrike Protects Your Journey

Organizations are migrating and building on AWS to unlock their potential and remove obstacles to growth and innovation. AWS customers are able to focus on building value for their end customers by removing the burden of data center operations and hardware management costs. Cloud-based architectures improve agility, resilience and scalability while allowing enterprise-scale infrastructure to be deployed globally in minutes.

OpenStack vs. VMware: Differences, Costs, and Backup Options

When it comes to managing your cloud infrastructure, picking the right platform can make a big difference in how smooth, scalable, and cost-effective your operations are. Two of the top contenders in this space are OpenStack and VMware. Both offer powerful tools for handling virtualized environments, but they suit different needs and preferences. Knowing the key differences between them is essential to help you make the best choice for your organization’s goals and technical needs.

An Inside Look at Detecting API Security Risks with Panoptica

API attacks are predicted to become the most frequent attack vector for cloud ecosystems. How can organizations address API security risks? In this video, Tim Szigeti, Distinguished Technical Marketing Engineer at Outshift by Cisco, shares a quick demo of Panoptica’s API security dashboard. See how you can use the Panoptica CNAPP to get the full picture of your overall security posture, including internal, external, and third-party APIs, evaluate findings, and take next steps to secure your cloud.

The IT Hour | JumpCloud Password Manager 3.0 08.16.24

JumpCloud Password Manager desktop app 3.0 has just released and there's a LOT to show you! Mathan Chakkravarthy & Firas Abou Karroum will be on the show to tell everyone much more. Join us at 11:30 am ET The #IT Hour hosted by #JumpCloud is a #communityprogram focused on the life of #ITAdministrators. With the ever changing #ITlandscape, having community and professional networking opportunities is very valuable.

A wild week in phishing, and what it means for you

Being a bad guy on the Internet is a really good business. In more than 90% of cybersecurity incidents, phishing is the root cause of the attack, and during this third week of August phishing attacks were reported against the U.S. elections, in the geopolitical conflict between the U.S., Israel, and Iran, and to cause $60M in corporate losses.

The evolution of cloud security: Lessons from the past to navigate the future

Remember asking your teachers when you would need to know history facts outside of school? They probably said that learning history is important in understanding our past and how society has changed and progressed over time, and that we can learn from past experiences and mistakes. They were right, of course (even if it might not have felt like it then). And that’s all equally true when it comes to the history of security.

SecurityScorecard is now part of AWS OMNIA

SecurityScorecard is excited to announce that we are now an AWS OMNIA partner. This unlocks a critical opportunity for the 90,000 buying organizations that make up the OMNIA partner network to reduce and manage Supply Chain Cyber Risks. The third party attack surface is a fast growing risk vector and SecurityScorecard offers an industry leading solution to help organizations combat these threats.

How to install the Internxt CLI to connect to a WebDAV client

This video explains how to get started with the Internxt CLI so you can then connect to your preferred WebDAV client and manage your files via a Command-Line Interface and WebDAV for Windows and Mac. A CLI (Command Line Interface) offers precise control, security, automation capabilities, and efficiency, making it ideal for advanced users. The Internxt CLI guarantees your files' complete privacy and security, as all files are encrypted directly on your device, and no plain data is transmitted to the WebDAV server, protecting you from data breaches.

How to connect a WebDAV server to Internxt Drive

This short tutorial shows you how to use WebDAV by connecting to a WebDAV server to upload your Internxt Drive files via the Internxt CLI, ensuring your files are securely transferred and accessible. Once you have downloaded the Internxt CLI, you can connect and interact with your Internxt cloud storage via your preferred WebDAV server, we support: CyberDuck, Transmit, Cadaver, or Finder.

How to upload Internxt Drive files to WebDAV

This short tutorial shows you how to upload your Internxt Drive files to your preferred WebDAV server via the Internxt CLI to ensure your files are securely transferred and accessible. Now you are set up with the Internxt CLI and have connected to a WebDAV server, and you’re ready to get started and upload your files to WebDAV! This short video gives a quick, easy-to-follow guideline for uploading files to a WebDAV server. Uploading files is just the beginning of what you can do with WebDAV, and the Internxt CLI allows you to.

Thwarting Cyberattacks: Top In-House Solutions

There is no doubt that the number (and severity) of cyberattacks is on the rise. While the lion's share of attention has been devoted to major breaches that often impact multinational organisations, the fact of the matter is that small- to medium-sized enterprises are also at risk. This is why managers and stakeholders must adopt the latest safety protocols to avoid incidents that might otherwise quickly bring operations to a halt. Let us look at four practical suggestions, and the unique benefits associated with each.

Advancing Threat Intelligence: JA4 fingerprints and inter-request signals

For many years, Cloudflare has used advanced fingerprinting techniques to help block online threats, in products like our DDoS engine, our WAF, and Bot Management. For the purposes of Bot Management, fingerprinting characteristic elements of client software help us quickly identify what kind of software is making an HTTP request. It’s an efficient and accurate way to differentiate a browser from a Python script, while preserving user privacy.

Understanding Cloud Misconfiguration: Risks, Prevention, and Solutions

Cloud configuration remains a critical priority for organizations leveraging cloud services, which today, is practically universal. Cloud misconfigurations, in turn, can lead to security vulnerabilities and compliance issues. That’s why it’s more important than ever for organizations to get this fundamental security function right. Here’s what you need to know about cloud misconfiguration, from what causes it to how to remediate it when it does occur. ‍

The IT Hour | JumpCloud AI 08.09.24

It's time for an update on JumpCloud AI—Lindsey Thompson and Hugh Neale return to tell us what they've been working on and what's new in AI. Join us at 11:30 am ET The #IT Hour hosted by #JumpCloud is a #communityprogram focused on the life of #ITAdministrators. With the ever changing #ITlandscape, having community and professional networking opportunities is very valuable.

The Ultimate Guide to Cloud Management Support for Businesses

However, this transformative power comes with its challenges. Managing the cloud environment in your business requires careful planning and effective strategies. That's why, in today's guide, we'll offer an ultimate guide to cloud management support that can help your business ensure optimal performance, security, and cost-efficiency. Just read on.

How To Manage Sudo Users in Other Distributions: Guides on Similar Procedures for Different Linux Distributions

Jump to Tutorial Managing sudo users is one of the most important administrative tasks in any Linux distribution. This process allows a permitted user to run commands as the superuser or another user, defined through security policies. This reduces the potential security threat of having unprivileged users run any command on the system, and we can also audit executed commands or apply the least privilege principle.

Platform Engineering in a Cloud-First World

Welcome to “Cloud Unfiltered,” where we tackle everything about platform engineering and the cloud-first world! Today’s episode features an insightful chat with Abby Bangser, a Principal Engineer from Syntasso. Dive into the complexities of modern software development and the strategies that aid in streamlining operations in the tech-dominated business environment.

Mastering the Art of Cloud Governance: A Comprehensive Guide

In today’s fast-paced digital landscape, cloud computing has become an indispensable asset for organizations seeking agility, scalability, and cost-efficiency. However, as businesses embrace the cloud, they must also navigate the intricate challenges of managing and securing their cloud environments. This is where the concept of cloud governance comes into play, serving as a crucial framework for establishing control, ensuring compliance, and optimizing resource utilization.
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Why Shadow IT Prevails for UK SMEs

Fuelled by hybrid working models, easy access to cloud services, and the evolution of AI, shadow IT continues to be a pressing issue for UK organisations. Today, business users demand access anywhere at any time using multiple devices, while they expect their confidentiality, integrity and availability to be preserved as if they were in the office.

Introducing Cloud Identity Insights for Sysdig Secure

In recent years, almost every major cloud breach has been marked by overly permissive credentials, followed by lateral movement and privilege escalation. These vulnerabilities have allowed attackers to navigate through systems with ease, escalating their privileges to cause significant harm. It’s crucial for cloud threat responders to be aware of threats as they occur and to be able to contain these attacks swiftly and effectively.

Unmatched Coverage for Cloud and Hybrid Workloads: Sysdig's Next Generation Instrumentation

In today’s rapidly changing and evolving cloud-native environments, security and infrastructure teams face challenges ranging from managing complex deployments to ensuring capability across their entirety of their diverse infrastructure. EDR and XDR tools cannot provide comprehensive coverage of cloud workloads, making them fundamentally unsuited for cloud security.
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Responsible Cloud Migration - Overcoming the Data Security Challenge

Since the world went digital the value of data has been unprecedented, and as businesses race to adopt the latest tech to optimise and monetise their data it is set to increase in value at an exponential rate. However, whilst data is widely regarded as an organisation's main asset, data accountability is rarely owned, which can lead to errors that incur fines, loss in consumer trust, and impact brand reputation. To ensure best practice, organisations should apply caution when considering their next step in digital transformation, such as when migrating data to the cloud.

Best Cloud Storage for Personal Use and Privacy 2024

Cloud storage is a versatile and competitive market, so making a decision about choosing the best cloud storage services can seem intimidating. Fortunately, best cloud storage for personal use offers many features and services to securely store personal files, backups, sync, and protect your privacy online.

Supercharge your investigation with Sysdig Sage for CDR

Artificial intelligence has taken over almost every aspect of our everyday lives. In cybersecurity, generative AI models with natural language processing are commonly being used to predict, detect, and respond to threats. But AI security assistants, although an upgrade from traditional machine learning, only provide very basic queries and summarization, which is insufficient to fully comprehend modern cloud attacks. As part of an ongoing effort to improve the cloud detection and response (CDR) experience,

Azure Blob and Data Lake Gen2 Protection with Rubrik

Azure Blob storage is no longer used as a data dump. More and more organizations are placing mission-critical data within it and building applications around it. At the same time, cyberattacks are on the rise, and Azure Blob is not immune. With Rubrik, you can ensure your Azure Blob and Data Lake Gen2 data is resilient and recoverable from cyberattacks and operational failures while taking advantage of.

Up Level Your Amazon Security Lake with Attack Surface Intelligence

As global network infrastructure expands to include devices without traditional compute power, every organization’s attack surface becomes increasingly complex. Parallel to the increased complexity in the threat landscape is the increased scale and complexity of the signals and data necessary to produce meaningful cybersecurity insights. At its core, cybersecurity is a big data problem, requiring centralization of disparate data sources in uniform structure to enable continuous analytics.

SecurityScorecard and AWS Help Make Secure Software Procurement Faster and Easier

Organizations increasingly rely on third parties for business operations, and as a result are working with more digital suppliers than ever. According to Gartner, 60% of organizations work with more than 1,000 third parties and this number will grow. High-profile vulnerabilities such as Log4Shell are a constant reminder of the risks posed by a breakdown in the software supply chain. This has spurred enterprises to increase the rigor of software risk assessments to ensure supply chain security.

Azure Just-in-Time Access Simplified

In today’s rapidly evolving cloud landscape, organizations are grappling with the intricate challenge of striking a delicate balance between ensuring robust cybersecurity measures and facilitating seamless operational efficiency. As cloud adoption continues to surge, the traditional approach of granting standing privileges to users has become an increasingly significant security vulnerability.

Ubuntu 20.04 vs 22.04: Comparing features and performance

Jump to Tutorial Ubuntu is a popular Linux distribution that has been adopted by many system administrators, developers, or everyday users who are searching for a robust and open-source operating system. Each version of Ubuntu brings new features, improvements and sometimes there are certain changes in system requirements.

Securing Your Sensitive Data: Top 7 Cloud Migration Strategies and Best Practices

Cloud migration refers to the process of moving data, applications, and other business elements from on-premise data centers to a cloud computing environment. This transition is crucial for modern businesses aiming to enhance their operational efficiency, scalability, and flexibility. Cloud migration offers numerous benefits, including cost savings, improved performance, and the ability to leverage advanced technologies like AI and big data analytics.

Best Practices for Implementing Cloud Migration Security

As modern businesses increasingly rely on cloud services, securely migrating data to the cloud has become crucial. Effective cloud migration allows organizations to leverage external expertise and resources while maintaining data integrity and compliance. This guide provides a comprehensive understanding of secure cloud migration, best practices, essential security measures, and successful real-world examples to help businesses benefit from these practices without compromising data security.

How to best protect your cloud operations

Modern organisations today are increasingly adopting cloud operations to enhance their agility, scalability, and efficiency. By moving to cloud-based platforms, businesses can leverage powerful computing resources without the need to invest heavily in physical infrastructure. This shift not only reduces capital expenditure but also allows organisations to quickly scale operations in response to demand fluctuations.

Intune vs. JumpCloud for Discovering Shadow IT

People who don’t have the tool to get a job done will find one that works. That’s why shadow IT, software or services that are unaccounted for and unauthorized, exists. It may even underlie important business processes, which is why it’s extremely important to discover what’s really out there. Shadow IT creates security concerns, can impact operations, and easily becomes a roadblock on the path to digital transformation.

AI, Democracy and The Evolution of Internet Security with Bruce Schneier

In this episode, host Joao Tome and cryptographer and security technologist and public policy lecturer, Bruce Schneier discuss the evolving landscape of Internet security. They explore AI-related cybersecurity risks, the impact of new technologies on democracy, and the current state of the global Internet. Schneier examines how new technologies are impacting democratic processes worldwide and provides insights on balancing the delicate balance between privacy risks and benefits in the digital age. The conversation also covers the need for updated regulations and the future of post-quantum cryptography.

Social Media Threats and Regulation with Jenny Reich (Georgetown Law Center)

From our San Francisco headquarters, we sit down with Jenny Reich, a Fellow and Adjunct Professor at the Georgetown Law Center on National Security. As an expert in social media law, Jenny examines social media's impact on misinformation, cybersecurity and journalism. In this episode taped during the 2024 RSA Conference, Jenny offers her expert perspective on growing congressional pressure for social media regulation, the origins of data breaches from chat rooms, Section 230 and TikTok as the new Gen Z search engine.