Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance

July 2024

CrowdStrike Host Self-Remediation for Remote Users with Local Administrator Privileges

This video for remote users with local administrator privileges, outlines the steps required to self-remediate a Windows laptop experiencing a blue screen of death (BSOD) related to the recent defect in a CrowdStrike content update for Windows hosts. Follow these instructions if directed to do so by your organization's IT department.

The Divine SASE Touch

The Paris Olympics are coming up, arousing excitement and anticipation around the globe. As the world’s greatest athletes prepare to compete on this renowned stage, let’s shift our focus to a few of the earliest Olympics competitors – the Greek Gods. These deities, myth says, competed in the ancient Olympics, and later on, the Games were held in their honor. To this day, the Olympics are a global festival of what the Gods symbolized – strength, resilience and elegance.

MitM Attacks: Understanding the Risks and Prevention Strategies

As our interactions with the digital world grow, connections will be established within seconds, leading to more online attacks. One type of attack we may be exposed to is known as a Man-in-the-Middle (MitM) — a technique cyber attackers use to take over our online communications. The best way to stay safe online is with a better understanding of the problems caused by these digital attacks and identification of the dangers and consequences they entail.

GRC in Cybersecurity: What It Is and Why It's Important

With businesses increasingly relying on digital systems, the combination of governance, risk management, and compliance (GRC) has become essential for an effective cybersecurity strategy. This framework helps organizations manage cyber risks, comply with regulations, and protect sensitive data.

Top 5 Online Timesheet Tools for Seamless Integration with Microsoft Teams

In today's dynamic work environment, managing time efficiently is critical. Online timesheets for Microsoft Teams offer a seamless way to track work hours, manage projects, and ensure accountability, all within a platform that many businesses already use daily. With a multitude of timesheet tools available, finding the one that integrates seamlessly with Microsoft Teams can transform your productivity. Here, we explore the top five online timesheet tools designed to integrate flawlessly with Microsoft Teams, enhancing your workflow and time management.

From Python to Java: What is the Best Language to Web Scrape?

Unsure which programming language to choose? Well, for a while, I was too! If you are like me, analysis paralysis can be a real pain… We have prepared a list with our top choices so you can stop wasting time and start taking action. Not only we’ll reveal the best language to web scrape, but we’ll also compare their strengths, weaknesses, and use cases, helping you make an informed decision. We won’t waste your time, as we have summarized everything for you.

Carlsberg Group Transforms Remediation Operations with Seemplicity | Customer Testimonial

Discover how Carlsberg Group transformed their cybersecurity operations with Seemplicity's Remediation Operations (RemOps) platform. In this exclusive customer testimonial, Carlsberg's Cloud Security Architect, Venicia Solomons, shares her experience and the significant impact Seemplicity has had on Carlsberg's Remediation Operations.