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AI-generated Disinformation Dipped The Markets Yesterday

The Insider reported that an apparently AI-generated photo faking an explosion near the Pentagon in D.C. went viral. The Arlington Police Department confirmed that the image and accompanying reports were fake. But when the news was shared by a reputable Twitter account on Monday, the market briefly dipped. The photo was spread by dozens of accounts on social media, including RT, a Russian state-media Twitter account with more than 3 million followers — but the post has since been deleted.

CrowdStrike Advances the Use of AI to Predict Adversary Behavior and Significantly Improve Protection

Since CrowdStrike’s founding in 2011, we have pioneered the use of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) in cybersecurity to solve our customers’ most pressing challenges. Our application of AI has fit into three practical categories.

Sharing your business's data with ChatGPT: How risky is it?

As a natural language processing model, ChatGPT - and other similar machine learning-based language models - is trained on huge amounts of textual data. Processing all this data, ChatGPT can produce written responses that sound like they come from a real human being. ChatGPT learns from the data it ingests. If this information includes your sensitive business data, then sharing it with ChatGPT could potentially be risky and lead to cybersecurity concerns.

CISO Matters: Rise of the Machines - A CISO's Perspective on Generative AI

Humans have been interacting with a version of AI through voice assistants, facial recognition software and phone photo apps for years. AI’s progress in the last few months, however, has been nothing less than mind-blowing. With its new enhanced capabilities, a meteoric rise in AI’s popularity ensued, and the recent new generative AI services are quickly becoming essential tools for users of all kinds.

How ChatGPT is Changing Our World

The Artificial intelligence (AI) based language model, ChatGPT, has gained a lot of attention recently, and rightfully so. It is arguably the most widely popular technical innovation since the introduction of the now ubiquitous smart speakers in our homes that enable us to call out a question and receive an instant answer. But what is it, and why is it relevant to cyber security and data protection?

Learn about Corelight and Zeek with AI

Want to know how to get a commanding view of all devices that log onto your network? Let’s ask ChatGPT! Watch as Corelight's James Pope leverages his AI assistant to explain the power of Zeek®—the open-source technology behind Corelight’s network evidence—and the detailed logs of network activity it produces, including protocols such as HTTP, DNS, and SSL. In the video he also shares how Zeek®’s open standard easily integrates with Suricata, SecurityOnion, Molok, Elk, CrowdStrike EDR logs, and more.

UTMStack Unveils Ground-breaking Artificial Intelligence to Revolutionize Cybersecurity Operations

Doral, Florida UTMStack, a leading innovator in cybersecurity solutions, has announced a significant breakthrough in the field of cybersecurity – an Artificial Intelligence (AI) system that performs the job of a security analyst, promising to transform cybersecurity practices forever.

Will predictive AI revolutionize the SIEM industry?

The cybersecurity industry is extremely dynamic and always finds a way to accommodate the latest and best technologies available into its systems. There are two major reasons: one, because cyberattacks are constantly evolving and organizations need to have the cutting edge technologies in place to detect sophisticated attacks; and two, because of the complexity of the network architecture of many organizations.

Six Key Security Risks of Generative AI

Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) has revolutionized various fields, from creative arts to content generation. However, as this technology becomes more prevalent, it raises important considerations regarding data privacy and confidentiality. In this blog post, we will delve into the implications of Generative AI on data privacy and explore the role of Data Leak Prevention (DLP) solutions in mitigating potential risks.

Hype vs. Reality: Are Generative AI and Large Language Models the Next Cyberthreat?

Generative AI and large language models (LLMs) have the potential to be used as tools for cybersecurity attacks, but they are not necessarily a new cybersecurity threat in themselves. Let’s have a look at the hype vs. the reality. The use of generative AI and LLMs in cybersecurity attacks is not new. Malicious actors have long used technology to create convincing scams and attacks.